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IUCN Closing Statement – Part One of the UN Biodiversity Conference

The first part of the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP15) to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) closed on Friday 15 October 2021. As we look to the UN Climate Change...

Tea and Coffee: Celebrating Their Cultural, Social and Economic Importance

Global tea and coffee experts came together to explore and celebrate the cultural, social, and economic importance of the world’s two most popular beverages including their role in making agri-food systems more...

4 Myths About Industrial Agriculture

Our lives revolve around food. It’s part of our cultures and our heritages, and our social interactions are often centered on it. Yet, it’s a privilege to be able to have meals...

Digital Partner in the Fields of Sustainability and Efficiency

The coronavirus has brought numerous changes in everyday life. It also contributed to the increasing demand for sustainable energy and sustainability in all areas of work. The innovations are introduced, and new technologies...

ABB Launches the World’s Fastest Electric Car Charger

ABB’s new Terra 360 is a modular charger which can simultaneously charge up to four vehicles with dynamic power distribution. This means that drivers will not have to wait if somebody else...

Key Renewables Payers Call for Collaboration Between Renewable Energy and Agriculture Sectors

Energy use is responsible for about one-third of greenhouse gases emitted by the food systems. With its continuously declining costs, renewables have become an attractive and effective way to fuel the achievement...

Threats to Crop Wild Relatives Compromising Food Security and Livelihoods

Over 70 wild relatives of some of the world's most important crops are threatened with extinction, according to a new IUCN co-authored study launched today at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in...

Australian-Built Electric Buses to Run on Sunlight in Queensland

A massive expansion in electric passenger buses will be enabled by the partnership of Keolis Downer, BusTech, and the Queensland government. Sixteen new electric buses will be built in the Bustech workshop...

ABB’s Technology in Singapore’s First Dual-Mode Desalination Plant Helps Tackle Water Scarcity in Region

The United Nation’s (UN) World Water Development Report recently stated that nearly six billion people will suffer from clean water scarcity by 2050. So, as we “celebrate” World Water Week, it’s time to...

Seven Things you Should Know About Household Air Pollution

Every year, nearly 4 million people die prematurely from indoor air pollution. Many succumb to diseases linked to inhaling smoke from kerosene, wood and charcoal fires, which are commonly used in the...

EBRD, EU and Austria finance energy efficiency in Serbia’s homes

Households in Serbia are set to benefit from the further expansion of the Green Economy Financing Facility (GEFF) with a new EUR 5 million loan in local currency provided by the European...

Eco-Team Montenegro

The British travel magazine Culture Trip ranked Montenegro on the list of the best sustainable destinations in 2021. That will surely attract a large number of tourists. While they enjoy the exceptional...

Cleantech Entrepreneurs Driving a Green Recovery in Barbados

Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Eastern Caribbean island nation, famed for its beautiful landscapes, pristine white-sand beaches and temperate climate, attracted around a million tourists each year. But with travel restrictions across...

ENV.NET – Circular Economy and Climate Change 

The third cycle of the project “ factoring the environmental portfolio for the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (ref. No. 2017 / 394-372) - ENV.net3 was realized in...

Sustainability is in Fashion

The concept of fast fashion prevails in the fashion industry. Garments are mass produced, and from harmful materials, and in the process of their creation, many natural resources are consumed. When we...

Miami Takes Another Step Into The Future With 42 Proterra Electric Buses

Miami-Dade county has taken another step towards the electric future by adding 42 Proterra ZX5+ buses to its rapidly growing electric bus fleet, bringing the grand total of Proterra-built EVs operating in...



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