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Gazprom’s Positions Remaining Stable Amid Changing External Environment

The Gazprom Board of Directors took note of the information about the impacts caused by the events of 2016 on the long-term outlook for the global energy market. It was highlighted that a...

U.S. Solar Surges in Record – Breaking Quarter

One megawatt of solar power was installed every 32 minutes in the U.S. from July to September, for a record total of 4,143 megawatts of new, clean energy, according to the Solar...

America’s First Offshore Wind Farm Goes Online

With the flip of a switch Monday, the country's first offshore wind power project began commercial operations. That's something to celebrate—and it's only the beginning for this abundant energy resource! Developed by U.S.-based...

Fossil Fuel Divestment Pledges Top $5tr, as Investors ‘Fast Losing Faith’ in High Carbon Assets

The anniversary of the Paris Agreement was marked today with the release of a new report, revealing companies and individuals with nearly $5.2tr of assets under management have now pledged to divest...

Green Gold: Growing Jet Fuel in the Desert

Thirty kilometres from the bustle of downtown Abu Dhabi, lies a remarkable undertaking that could one day change the environmental impact of air travel. Set on a two-hectare farm down the road from...

Renewable energy’s next frontier: heat

While energy use is commonly associated with lighting or transportation, more than half of the world’s energy consumption serves a simple function: heating things. This ranges from heating homes and buildings, to...

Shell to Link Executive Bonuses to Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Shell, Europe's largest oil company, has unveiled plans to link a slice of executive bonuses to its performance in curbing greenhouse gas emissions in response to shareholder pressure for it to better...

Glavgosekspertiza Approves Construction of a Process Condensate Purification Facility at the Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery

A project for the construction of a process condensate purification facility at the Gazprom Neft Omsk Refinery has been approved by federal agency Glavgosekspertiza Russia. This project is part of a wide-ranging...

Is Small-Scale Hydro the Answer To India’s Clean Energy Needs?

In the western Himalayas, the entire village of Hamal is powered by a small hydroelectric plant on the edge of the Shalvi river. Producing 2MW per hour, the plant provides enough power...

IEA moves to enhance global gas security

While the rise of the liquefied natural gas market has accelerated the globalization of natural gas, the energy security implications of this transformation have attracted much less attention. Through an extensive analysis...

Morocco Lights the Way for Africa on Renewable Energy

As the host of this year’s COP22 climate change conference in Marrakech, Morocco has been keen to demonstrate its green credentials and make this COP the “African COP”. In the past year, Morocco...

Policies are critical for the invisible fuel

Though 2015 was a record year for renewables, there is another energy technology that is making steady – but quiet – progress in limiting greenhouse gas emissions: energy efficiency. Managing how much energy...

Thassalia: France’s First Marine Geothermal Energy Power Plant Inaugurated

French utility Engie has inaugurated the nation’s first self-termed marine geothermal power station on France’s southern coast, in Marseille. The Thassalia power station will pump seawater from the Port of Marseille into...

Indian Farmers Fight Against Climate Change Using Trees As A Weapon

In 19 years, Ramu Gaviti’s six acres of land have gone from barren, dry and sparsely vegetated to fertile, moist and thick with biomass. Peacocks, wild pigs and rabbits have reappeared and...

Mexico’s Energy Reform Is Set to Revitalise an Ailing Sector and Boost the Economy, IEA Report Says

Mexico’s wide-ranging energy reform, which began in 2013, is expected to reverse the country’s declining oil production, increase the share of renewables in the power sector, and slow the growth in carbon...

More Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Brings Questions

Led by the surge in Appalachia’s Marcellus and Utica plays, U.S. natural gas production has increased over 50% since 2005 and related infrastructure to move the gas has become short. This is...



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