Search results for:food waste

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Evian Vows to Become ‘100 Per Cent Circular Brand’ by 2025

Bottled water giant Evian has become the latest high profile brand to announce sweeping plans to crackdown on plastic waste, unveiling a new goal to become a "100 per cent circular brand"...

Iceland Supermarket Commits to Eliminating Plastic Within Five Years

Iceland Foods has committed to removing all plastic from its brand-name products within the next five years and replacing it with recyclable materials such as pulp and paper. The UK-based supermarket chain...

Scotland Moves to Ban Plastic Cotton Buds

The Scottish government has today revealed new plans to become the first UK country to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic cotton buds, one of the most common pieces of litter...

Organic Farming Could Feed the World, But…

The United Nations estimates the global population will reach more than 9 billion by 2050, and, by some estimates, agricultural output will have to increase by 50 percent to feed all of...

How the World’s First Floating City Could Restore the Environment

The world got a little closer to the first floating city when the Seasteading Institute signed a memorandum of understanding with the French Polynesian government earlier this year. Not only could floating...

An Argentine Startup Makes Shoes from Discarded Tire Scraps and Employs Single Mothers

More than 100,000 tons of rubber tires are disposed of every year in Argentina. The majority of them are burned, contributing to the country’s already huge air pollution problem. So, when Alejandro...

2 UK Supermarkets Back Plastic Bottle Deposit Return Scheme Rollout

A number of countries in Europe (and elsewhere) currently employ plastic bottle deposit return programs — programs which essentially pay consumers to return their used plastic bottles to grocery stores where they...

Boston City Council Approves Plastic Bag Ban

You might want to bring a tote if you plan on shopping in Beantown next year. Boston City Council voted 12-0 on Wednesday to ban single-use plastic bags across the Massachusetts capital. The...

UK Environment Department Using 1,400 Disposable Coffee Cups a Day

More than 2.5m disposable cups have been purchased by the UK's environment department for use in its restaurants and cafes over the past five years - equivalent to nearly 1,400 a day. The...

The Study from The University of Washington Showed – Petite Poplars are the Future of Biofuels

In the quest to produce affordable biofuels, poplar trees are one of the Pacific Northwest's best bets - the trees are abundant, fast-growing, adaptable to many terrains and their wood can be...

The leaders in the development and production of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion systems

Natural gas, biogas, and electricity accumulated in batteries are just some of the energy sources that the world-famous manufacturer of commercial vehicles uses to replace fossil fuels with increasing success, thus achieving...

32nd Annual International Coastal Cleanup Gets Hundreds Of Thousands Of Volunteers Involved Worldwide

The 32nd annual International Coastal Cleanup took place on September 16. Promoted by the Ocean Conservancy, the coastal cleanup began with a small group of volunteers in Texas in 1986 and has...

Delphis Unveils World’s First Packaging Made Entirely from Recycled Plastic

A British cleaning products firm, Delphis Eco, has this week revealed what it claims to be the world's first plastic packaging made entirely from post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic. The new recycled bottle, which...

UK: Government Confirms 2020 Renewable Fuels Target

The government has this week confirmed it will raise the target for renewable fuel use in the UK transport sector to 9.75 per cent, a move hailed by the industry as a...

Veolia Unveils ‘Cupcycling’ Scheme to Turn Coffee Cups into Shopping Bags

From today shoppers in Selfridges will be able to give their green credentials a polish thanks to a new partnership between the department store, waste giant Veolia and papermaker James Cropper, which...

Plastic Fibres Found in Tap Water Around the World, Study Reveals

Microplastic contamination has been found in tap water in countries around the world, leading to calls from scientists for urgent research on the implications for health. Scores of tap water samples from more...



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