Search results for:Greenhouse gas emissions

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In the Textile Industry, Old Is Increasingly Becoming New

A clothing company in the Philippines that uses scrap material to make shoes. A technology startup in Ireland that allows strangers to swap little-used clothes. And a fashion house in Brazil that produces zero waste and repurposes...

India Has the Opportunity to Build a New Energy Future

India’s ability to ensure affordable, clean and reliable energy for its growing population will be vital for the future development of its economy, but avoiding the kind of carbon-intensive path previously followed...

Statkraft Chooses ABB Synchronous Condensers to Help the UK National Grid Meet Its Zero-Carbon Targets

The project in Liverpool combines ABB synchronous condensers with flywheels to help stabilize the power grid as renewable energy replaces large fossil-fueled rotating power plants. ABB has been awarded a major turnkey contract...

Designing Safe and Sustainable Products Requires a New Approach for Chemicals

The recent European Union chemicals strategy for sustainability aims to ensure that chemicals make a positive contribution to society without harming the environment and people’s health. A European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing,...

Secretary-General Welcomes Us Return to Paris Agreement on Climate Change

Following the inauguration of United States President Joe Biden on Wednesday, the UN Secretary-General said he looks forward to an era of new leadership towards accelerating climate action, with the US back...

Latest EEA Study Finds Multiple Benefits of Switch to Renewable Electricity

The increased use of renewable electricity across the European Union has not only reduced pressures linked to climate change, but also to air and water pollution (particulate matter formation, eutrophication and acidification),...

2020 Climate Events Were Examples Of How Excess Heat Is Expressed On Earth

By most accounts, 2020 has been a rough year for the planet. It was the warmest year on record, just barely exceeding the record set in 2016 by less than a tenth...

2020 Ties With 2016 as World’s Hottest Year on Record

Last year tied with 2016 as the world’s warmest year on record, rounding off the hottest decade globally as the impacts of climate change intensified, the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service...

New Year’s Resolution? Slim Your Carbon Footprint by a Tonne in 2021

Get fit, quit smoking, eat healthily. Most years begin with good intentions that often fall by the wayside as life gets busier again. But how about trying a different challenge for 2021 which...

The Ambassador of Hungary, Attilával Pintér: Energy Security is an Imperative Both For Hungary and Serbia

There are a lot of things Hungary has been doing in recent years that not only countries in the region but in the whole Europe can take as an example. Although there...

Joint Cross-Border Renewable Energy Projects Are Feasible and Beneficial

The EEA briefing Cross-border cooperation for deployment of renewable energy, which looks at the challenges posed by cross-border cooperation on renewable energy, found that several key barriers exist deterring EU Member States...

Transforming Agri-Food Systems to Feed the World and Tackle Climate Change

Feeding the world's growing population while limiting the impacts of climate change will require urgent and radical transformation of our agri-food systems, FAO Director-General QU Dongyu said at a High-Level event commemorating...

FAO Launches the UN’s International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today launched the International Year of Fruits and Vegetables 2021 (IYFV) with an appeal to improve healthy...

National Measures to Cut Air Pollution Would Benefit From Stronger Links With Climate Action

Actions taken to reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases often address the same economic sectors but are reported separately under different EU legislation. This briefing presents an overview of the latest...

African Ministers of the Environment Commit to Support a Green COVID-19 Recovery Plan

Ministers of Environment across the continent of Africa have agreed to support a comprehensive green recovery plan to boost economies and social systems aimed at building back better from the COVID-19 pandemic. In...

Western Balkan’s Countries Peeking Into the Right Direction, but still Lagging Behind in Transforming the Energy System

The Energy Community Secretariat’s 2020 Implementation Report highlights some of the key obstacles in transforming the energy system of the involved countries, including the Western Balkans, in the foreseen timeline. The Energy Community...



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