Search results for:fossil energy

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Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

First US Petcoke-To-Methanol Plant With Carbon Capture Tech Gets DOE Loan Guarantees

On the shortest day of 2016, the US Department of Energy announced that it has made the “first ever offer for a conditional commitment” of loan guarantees under its Advanced Fossil Energy...

China’s new wind power capacity hits record high

China's newly installed wind power capacity reached a record high in 2015 amid increasing efforts from the government to boost clean energy. The new wind power capacity jumped to 32.97 gigawatts last...

Wind Turbine Orders and Supply Chain Investments Are Up – But Urgent Action Is Required on Grids, Permitting And Auction Design

In the first half (H1) of 2024 Europe added 6.4 GW of new wind energy capacity: 5.3 GW onshore and 1.1 GW offshore. The EU-27 built 5.7 GW of this: 4.7 GW...

IEA policy review highlights UK leadership on climate policy and emission reduction efforts

The IEA regularly conducts reviews of the energy and related climate policies of its member countries and provides recommendations – a process that supports energy policy development and encourages the exchange of...

Climate change transforms Pacific Islands

A triple whammy of accelerating sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification is imperilling Pacific Islands, which face growing threats to their socioeconomic viability and indeed their very existence because of climate...

Accelerated Growth Trend of Solar Capacities

The prevailing stance in expert circles today regarding solar energy is undeniably positive. Particular emphasis is placed on its achieved technological maturity and the most rapid growth trend compared to other renewable...

China Approves More Nuclear Power Plant Projects, Adding a Total of 11 New Reactors

China, like the rest of the world, is facing an increasing demand for electricity, largely driven by rapid industrial development. Coal has dominated and continues to dominate China’s energy sector, providing more...

Can Government Partnerships Support Responsible and Reliable Critical Mineral Supply Chains?

As governments look to transition away from fossil fuels and accelerate the deployment of clean energy, policy makers are dedicating more attention to securing supplies of critical minerals. Materials such as copper, lithium,...

Investing In Sustainable Management of RES

Serbia will accomplish the green transition of its energy sector through the increase of renewable energy sources, the improvement of power grids and energy storage, the promotion of fuels with zero carbon...

The Fashion Industry Lags in Achieving Climate Goals

The fashion industry remains one of the world’s top polluters and shows no serious tendencies to change its business models and make them more sustainable. Members of the global movement Fashion Revolution, which...

From Grass to Electricity with the Help of Digesters

Over the years, growing dominant crops on land can lead to various environmental consequences, such as loss of biodiversity, soil erosion, and greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, farmers are advised to revert parts...

How Extreme Temperatures Affect the Global Economy and Workers’ Health

June 2024 was the thirteenth consecutive month of breaking global temperature records. A United Nations publication titled “United Nations Secretary-General’s Call to Action on Extreme Heat” notes that 2024 will likely be...

How hybrid planes could make aviation more sustainable

Aviation accounts for around percent of global annual CO2 emissions, but it is often regarded as one of the most challenging industries to decarbonize. This is because the number of people travelling by...

Key Enablers to Triple Renewables by 2030: Policy and Regulations

The UAE Consensus agreed at COP28 to triple global renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency gains by 2030 requires countries to overcome structural barriers impeding the energy transitions progress. The World...

Solar Film – When Green Becomes Greener

The birds in the trees might already know how important solar energy is, but even if they don't, from their bird's-eye view, they surely notice an increasing number of solar panels on...



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