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Worst Wildfire in California History Threatens State’s Climate Goals

As predicted, the Thomas Fire in Southern California was officially declared the largest wildfire in state history, surpassing the 2003 Cedar Fire which burned 273,246 acres and killed 15 people. The vast blaze,...

Shanghai Flying Car Tower to Clean the Air with a 50,000-Plant Vertical Forest

Flying cars seem to be moving from the realm of science fiction to reality – and Richard’s Architecture + Design (RA+D) helmed by architect Richard Moreta Castillo has already designed a net-zero...

100% Renewable Energy Worldwide Isn’t Just Possible—It’s Also More Cost-Effective

Transitioning the world to 100 percent renewable electricity isn't just some environmentalist pipe dream—it's "feasible at every hour throughout the year" and is more cost-effective than the current system, which largely relies...

Bitcoin’s Energy Cost Is Huge and Growing

Bitcoin has been in the limelight for years, but in the last few months it has been rapidly increasing in value. A year ago, Bitcoin was worth less than a thousand dollars...

Jet Fuel Made From Sugar Cane? It’s Not a Flight of Fancy

The aviation industry produces 2 percent of global human-induced carbon dioxide emissions. This share may seem relatively small – for perspective, electricity generation and home heating account for more than 40 percent...

Climate Change May Shift Wind Sources From North To South By End Of Century

By the end of this century, global climate change may impact the wind resources in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, decreasing hotspots in the North but increasing hotspots in the Southern...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

Why Transportation Is now the Top Source of US Pollution

With the holidays coming around, it may be a good time to note that the countless miles that Americans will drive, train or fly has a big planetary impact. In fact, the transportation...

World Is Set to Warm 3.4°C By 2100

By approaching 2100, a world set for 3.4˚C will, on present trends, probably be the reality confronting our descendants—slightly less warm than looked likely a year ago, analysts think. That's the good...

The leaders in the development and production of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion systems

Natural gas, biogas, and electricity accumulated in batteries are just some of the energy sources that the world-famous manufacturer of commercial vehicles uses to replace fossil fuels with increasing success, thus achieving...

Daytona International Speedway Making Solar Energy History

Daytona International Speedway’s legendary race track may be home to NASCAR racing, but for nearly two years it has also been a live laboratory for solar energy research. The Florida Power & Light...

World’s Largest Reforestation Project Wants To Plant 73 Million Trees In The Amazon

The Amazon rainforest has been treated roughly since the 1970s. Now, as deforestation in the area slowly but surely tails off, a massive new project hopes to help restore this natural wonder...

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from...

Study: It’s Easier For Cities To Reduce Residential Emissions Than Transportation Emissions

It’s easier for cities to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions through the residential sector than it is through the transportation sector, a new study authored by an MIT professor has found. The...

Climate Change Already Damaging Health of Millions Globally, Report Finds

The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Heatwaves are affecting many more vulnerable people and global warming...

Report: EVs Greener than Diesel Even when Refuelled with Electricity from Coal-Fired Power Stations

Electric vehicles are far greener than their diesel and petrol alternatives over their entire lifetime, even when powered using electricity generated with the dirtiest fossil fuels, according to a new report released...



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