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Serbia, Bosnia mining: Mineco base metals mining and trading in SEE and Russia

The Balkans has a rich history of mining; mines opened by Romans in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD still operate in Artana and the Saxons mined extensively across the region (locally,...

Siemens implements grid application platform EnergyIP for the first time in Japan

Working in collaboration with Mitsubishi Electric, Siemens has implemented its grid application platform EnergyIP for the first time in Japan. The system is being deployed there as part of an upcoming smart-meter...

Costa Rica Powers 285 Days of 2015 With 100% Renewable Energy

In March, EcoWatch reported that Costa Rica powered the first 82 days of the year solely with renewable energy. Now that we’re closing in on the end of the year, the Costa...

EBRD still can’t say no to destructive Macedonian dam

The Bern Convention recommendation, warmly welcomed by Macedonian environmental organizations, was based on an independent expert study into the planned hydropower developments in Mavrovo, Europe’s oldest national park situated in the northwest...

Enviromental Protection is Primary Program for Companies

French-Serbian Chamber of Commerce has expended its number of members during 2015. and now it counts 130 companies. The chamber promotes arrival of French companies to Serbia form its foundation and it...

More breweries in USA going solar

Six Western North Carolina breweries have installed solar panel systems, joining a fast-growing trend in business in general. North Carolina has been near the top of the solar pack and last year...

EBRD boosts steel dust recycling in Turkey

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is promoting industrial waste recycling in Turkey with a US$ 20 million loan to Befesa Silvermet İskenderun Çelik Tozu Geri Dönüşümü A.Ş., a company...

Global coal demand stalls after more than a decade of relentless growth

Following more than a decade of aggressive growth, global coal demand has stalled, the International Energy Agency said Friday in its annual coal market report. The report sharply lowered its five-year global...

World’s Most Comprehensive Study Shows More Plastic in Our Oceans Than Scientists Thought

The 5 Gyres Institute co-authored this study which is the most comprehensive estimate of small plastics in the world’s oceans. There were two other papers published earlier, one by Cozar (2014) and...

The Dimming of Diesel Fuel’s Future in Cars

Diesel automobiles, which are more fuel-efficient than their gasoline-powered counterparts, were always supposed to shield their owners from some of the impact of oil-price spikes.All told, roughly 20 percent of new cars...

Uruguay makes dramatic shift to nearly 95% of electricity from clean energy

In less than 10 years the country has slashed its carbon footprint and lowered electricity costs, without government subsidies. Delegates at the Paris summit can learn much from its success. Renewables now...

Solar Means Business 2015: Top U.S. Corporate Solar Users

More of America’s businesses are choosing to install solar than ever before. Walmart once again took the top spot among America’s businesses in the electric generation capacity of its solar investments and...

Ride a wind turbine in this crazy wind farm amusement park

Theme parks can be fun for children. Shouldn’t there be a theme park that adults can feel good about? If you’ve ever wanted to see the views from atop a wind turbine,...

Climate Change Conference in Kragujevac

On Thursday 1st October, 2015 in Kragujevac a Conference was held under the name “Local communities – key actors in the fight climate change in Serbia” within the set of activities “Ecological...


InstitutionsA set of state institutions forms a system that gives future domestic and foreign investors and local governments a roadmap on how they can be part of the energy sector in Serbia....

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energyGeothermal is the Earth’s natural heat created by the decay of radioactive elements in the Earth’s crust and is transferred to higher layers of the Earth’s crust.When energy from the interior...



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