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Our planet is facing major environmental challenges. Awareness of how important environmental protection is for our future has been growing, so a new economic model, such as the transition to a circular...

Short and Compact: All Possibilities

The Dome 6 system offers a flexible and suitable mounting solution for all flat roof requirements for your next PV project. With optimised ballasting and simple mounting, the Dome 6 system is...


Pirot is a town in southeastern Serbia whose first historical records date back to the 3rd century and it was also once known as the Tures settlement during Ottoman rule. Pirot had...


The Law on the Use of Renewable Energy Sources from 2021 prescribes that the prosumer produces electricity for his own needs and delivers the excess electricity produced to the transmission (distribution) system,...

Number 26 – September 2022

Dear readers,Imagine that one cloudy afternoon around five, you unlock the door of your apartment, a cold and dark space is in front of you, and you press the buttons in a...

The Importance of Battery Energy Storage Systems in the Energy Transition

The increasing demand of consumers to be supplied at all times with electrical energy to satisfy all their needs is one the basic causes for the complexity of an energy system. The...

Heat Pumps – A Safe Solution for Savings

Whether you heat your home with electricity, wood, or gas, or you have central heating, the market situation is so uncertain that you can’t even assume how much heating will cost you...

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Expand Hydrogen Partnership, Including a Strategic Investment

ABB and Hydrogen Optimized Inc. (HOI), the Canadian technology innovator unlocking green hydrogen production at scale, have signed an agreement to expand the companies’ existing strategic relationship. This includes an investment by...

Elnos Group – Innovation and Boldness are the Key to Success in the RES Field

The expansion of projects that will bring clean and rich sources of renewable energy is reaching incredible levels, and every green kilowatt on the market is worth its weight in gold. One...

Schneider Electric is a Leader in Digitalization of Electric Energy

The need for decarbonization and reducing greenhouse gas emission has reached its peak and the important part of the entire process lies in electromobility and efforts to reduce pollution produced by the...

1.1 Billion Dinars for Projects to Increase Energy Efficiency in 38 Cities and Municipalities

Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia and Minister of Mining and Energy, prof. Zorana Mihajlovic, Ph.D., in Smederevska Palanka, handed over contracts to representatives of 38 local self-governments that received funds for investing...

Energy Crisis And Changes In Serbia

The challenges stirred by the energy crisis in Europe require urgent measures and bold decisions to embrace some more energy-efficient times as effortlessly as possible. We need to think promptly about how...

Number 25 – July 2022

The first issue dedicated to renewable energy sources (RES) appeared on our website precisely six years ago. At the time, we mostly wrote about the pioneers who built renewable power plants, our...

Why the World is Missing its Chance for Clean Energy

A green recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic would have helped countries to build back better while driving economic growth and job creation. But the latest Renewables 2022 Global Status Report paints a different picture. According to...

Achieving the Community Goals Through Investments in Energy Efficiency

Situated in the heart of Serbia and surrounded by the mountains Jelica, Ovčar, Kablar, and Vujan, Čačak is a city proud of its rich history. As one of the largest cities in...

How to Save on Electricity Bill

The arrival of autumn and colder days gives headaches to many. Apart from hectic preparations for school and searching for the winter clothes in your closets, preparations for the looming heating season...



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