Search results for:global warming

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Water Shortages to Be Key Environmental Challenge of the Century, Nasa Warns

Water shortages are likely to be the key environmental challenge of this century, scientists from Nasa have warned, as new data has revealed a drying-out of swaths of the globe between the...

The UN Climate Talks Say “Goodbye” to Bonn and “Hello” to Bangkok

May negotiations within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), held in Bonn, Germany, came to an end. They were imprinted by solving the technical difficulties in preparing the ground...

Hawaii Becomes First US State to Ban Sunscreens Harmful to Coral Reefs

Coral reefs and sunshine keep tourists flocking to Hawaii but add sunscreen to that holiday mix and the result can be serious damage to the marine environment that makes the islands so...

To Power Villages And Oil Rigs, Russia Sent A Nuclear Reactor On A “Tsunami-Proof” Barge

If the world is going to end, why not have it be for a ridiculous, insane reason? Like, say, building nuclear power plants on top of a barge and sending it floating up...

£20m Study to Investigate Collapse Risk of Major Antarctic Glacier

British and US scientists are to collaborate on a £20m project to examine the Thwaites glacier in west Antarctica, a major glacier that drains an area about the size of the UK. The...

Hope for Great Barrier Reef? New Study Shows Genetic Diversity of Coral Could Extend Our Chance to Save It

A study published Wednesday had some frightening news for the Great Barrier Reef—the iconic marine ecosystem is at "unprecedented" risk of collapse due to climate change after a 2016 heat wave led...

Majority of Americans Want Climate Education in Schools

In a rebuke to efforts by the Heartland Institute and at least 10 state legislatures, a large majority of Americans believe climate change should be taught in schools, the Yale Program on...

Climate Change Could Set Off Volcanoes

We can add volcanic eruptions to the list of potential climate change hazards. In a presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly held from April 8 to 13, University of Clermont Auvergne...

Climate Change and Invasive Milkweed Could Make Toxic Cocktail for Monarchs, Study Finds

Monarch butterflies are already in danger. Their numbers have decreased by 80 percent in the past 20 years, and this year's count of the number of the black-and-orange butterflies wintering in Mexico...

Melting Permafrost Emits More Methane Than Scientists Thought

Methane emissions are the source of the greenhouse gas which, after carbon dioxide, probably causes climatologists more sleepless nights than any of the other gases. And now it appears they have quite...

Coffee’s Environmental Footprint Should Be Harder to Swallow Than Dubious Cancer Claims

Coffee is not only my favorite drink, it's a necessity (I get headaches from caffeine withdrawal). Even after a California judge decided this week that coffee should come with a cancer warning,...

Emissions Must Fall By Mid-Century to Meet Paris Temperature Goals, Study Finds

With the exception of the U.S., every country in the world has now expressed an intention to honor the Paris agreement, which means they have all committed to limiting global warming to...

Research Finds Extreme Temperature Fluctuations Linked To Increased Rates Of Heart Attacks

Temperatures along the East Coast began fluctuating wildly last month, from winter-like cold one day — which is normal for February — to summer-like hot the next day — which is anything but. This is a portentous harbinger...

Methane Meltdown: Thawing Permafrost Could Release More Potent Greenhouse Gas Than Expected

A study published in Nature Climate Change Monday shows that thawing permafrost in the Arctic might produce more methane than previously thought. Methane has 28 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of...

Schwarzenegger to Sue Big Oil for ‘First Degree Murder’

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s next mission: taking oil companies to court “for knowingly killing people all over the world.” The actor and former governor of California said in a Politico-sponsored podcast at the SXSW festival...

Arctic Has Warmest Winter On Record

The Arctic winter comes and goes — but ever so differently as warming trends prevail. Increasing temperatures and glacial caving continue as Mother Nature gets hotter — at the top of our...



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