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South East and Southern Europe Nations Pledge to Reduce Pollution

Countries in the Western Balkans region currently rank among the worst in Europe for air pollution. Countries from the South East and Southern Europe have agreed on new joint measures to reduce pollution. They...

There Is No Raise of Awareness Without Infrastructure

A certain circle of experts and non-governmental organisations have begun to deal with the circular economy in the last five to seven years. However, most of the academic experts are not familiar...

Number 12 – November 2018

This time we have decided to put a focus on the circular economy as it represents a new, more sustainable economic approach that should replace the widely spread and worn-out linear model....

A Country with the Best Attitude Towards the Natural Environment

With its unspoilt nature, clean lakes and rivers, Switzerland has had a healthy advantage for reaching the highest position in a category concerning ecology. What nature has unselfishly given to this country,...

Circular Economy

Have you ever strolled around the park and asked yourself where all the leaves that have covered the ground only a few months ago went? Or how the hell the sunflower shells...

Government and Recyclers Partnership Offers the Best Solutions

During the recycling process, waste is converted into raw materials that can be further used in the production process. The use of recycled materials saves natural resources and energy. Recycling pollutes the...

Glasgow Unveils Plans to Become Scotland’s First Circular City

Glasgow City Council has announced its ambitious plan become the first circular city in Scotland. Its Circular Economy Route Map will focus on cutting food waste and engage with universities and colleges to...

Circular Clothing Hits the Catwalk at Dutch Design Week

Circular clothing firm takes recycled fashion to Dutch Design Week. Trash-2-Cash has created a climate change-neutral shirt, a recycled raincoat and even an environmentally-conscious car interior, which it plans to showcase at the event in...

6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

Low-Emission Cows: Farming Responds to Climate Warning

Farmers are ‘up for radical thought’ following bad harvests due to extreme weather, NFU says. From low-emission cows to robotic soil management, the farming industry will have to explore new approaches in the...

Ikea Says Goodbye to Plastic Straws with Display at London’s Design Museum

‘Last Straw’ installation aims to raise awareness of plastic waste as the firm bans single-use straws from UK and Irish stores. Ikea today symbolically unveiled its last single-use plastic straw in a display at...

Blue Dye Could Be the Next Key to Harnessing Renewable Energy

Scientists at the University of Buffalo have discovered an adept way of storing renewable energy thanks to wastewater produced from the textile industry. Polluted water containing blue dye, chemically referred to as...

A Paradise at Risk: Tulum Is an Eco-Destination That Will Soon Face Irreversible Damage

What once was a small fishing village, Tulum has quickly become one of the top tourist destinations in the world. Home to miles of pristine beaches, exotic wildlife, and the world’s largest...

The Impact of Architecture on the Environment

In 1987, the World Commission on the Environment and Development defined sustainability as a process of meeting the present needs without compromising future generations and their needs. This definition can be expounded...

After Plastic Straws, Are Balloons Next To Go?

We get it. Balloons are fun and make great decorations. But we hate to burst your bubble—balloons can be a big problem when they are deliberately released into the environment. The litter is...

Europe’s Microwave Ovens Emit Nearly As Much CO2 As 7m Cars

The biggest impact comes from electricity used to power the microwaves, but study also highlights rising environmental cost of our throwaway culture. Popping frozen peas into the microwave for a couple of minutes...



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