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Creation of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics under the auspices of UNESCO

UNESCO and France have formalized the creation in Montpellier of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics (ICIReWaRD) which will provide expertise, carry out research and training actions in...

Mediterranean Basin Facing Irreversible Environmental Damage, Warns new UNEP Report

Rising inequality, biodiversity loss, the growing impact of climate change and unrelenting pressure on natural resources could lead to irreversible environmental damage in the Mediterranean basin, according to a new report by...

Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline

A majority of EU wide protected species, such as the Saker Falcon and the Danube Salmon, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently...

World Food Day: How Soon Will We Be Eating Lab-Grown Meat?

Feeding 10 billion mouths in 2050 poses a big challenge for the food industry. Doing that while also reducing carbon emissions enough to save the planet on which we depend for our...

Tasmanian Devils Return to Australia’s mainland After 3,000 Years

The world’s largest surviving marsupial carnivore, the Tasmanian Devil, has been returned to the wild on Australia’s mainland for the first time in 3,000 years. Actor couple Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky joined...

What Are the Biggest Risks to Business? New Data Shows Climate Concerns Are Rising

An overly simplistic view of global economics has fuelled climate denial and skepticism for decades. Some opponents of climate change mitigation policies argue that achieving any progress would require an impossible retrofitting...

Nature-based Solutions – An Answer To The Climate Change Challenges In The Western Balkans

Nature-based Solutions offer a cost-effective, no-regret solution to reducing disaster risks and contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation. While still an emerging concept, evidence has shown the benefits of Nature-based Solutions...

Humans Destroyed an Ecosystem the Size of Mexico in just 13 years

Between 2000 and 2013, Earth lost an area of undisturbed ecosystems roughly the size of Mexico. That's the mind-melting finding of a new study published in One Earth and the researchers say it...

Domestic Tourism Can Help Drive Economic Recovery in Destinations Worldwide

As restrictions on travel begin to ease globally, destinations around the world are focusing on growing domestic tourism, with many offering incentives to encourage people to explore their own countries. According to...

Golden Opportunity to Stop Deforestation Caused by EU Consumption

Fires raging in the Amazon are started deliberately to make way for large-scale industrial agriculture – and EU market demand for commodities produced on former-forest land is adding fuel to the fires....

Significant Progress in Expanding Protected Nature Sites in Eastern Europe

The EEA’s briefing 'Protected areas in the Eastern Partnership countries' found that between 2000 and 2019 coverage of nationally protected areas were expanded in all six partnership countries which includes Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus,...

Oil Spill in Mauritius Calls for More Efforts to Safeguard Coral Reef Ecosystems

On July 25, 2020, a Japanese cargo ship struck a reef on the southeast coast of Mauritius, leaking tons of oil into coral reefs, pristine turquoise water lagoons and unique ecosystems of...

Video Game Industry to Rally 250 Million Players to Protect the Planet

Some of the biggest names in mobile gaming today – with a combined active user base of 250 million players – unveiled a series of environmental activations they will be integrating into...

Plants – You Owe Them Your Life

Protecting plants is vital for the future of our planet – that’s why 2020 is the International Year of Plant Health.Plants aren’t just a nice addition to your windowsill: they are the...

Cities – Where the Fight for a Green Recovery Will Be Won or Lost

Cities are home to 55 per cent of the world’s population, all jammed together cheek-by-jowl. Little wonder, then, that cities are being hit hardest by COVID-19: an estimated 90 per cent of...

Beyond Tourism – Investing in Local Communities to Protect Africa’s Wild Spaces

For ten years, Dixon Parmuya has guided tourists on bush walks around Amboseli National Park in Southern Kenya. But since COVID-19 swept through Kenya in mid-March, the country’s tourism industry has dwindled,...



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