Search results for:clean energy technologies

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IRENA Members Launch New Framework On Project Facilitation

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) held its first meeting of the “Collaborative Framework on Project Facilitation to Support the Energy Transition,” a platform bringing together public, private, intergovernmental, and non-governmental bodies...

Berlin Pushes For a 60 Euros Minimum Price on EU Carbon Markets

Discounting allegations of speculation on the EU carbon market, Berlin is throwing its weight behind a minimum price of 60 euros per ton of CO2, saying it will ensure this through national...

Why Water is Crucial for Sustainable Food Systems

Agriculture is a major user of freshwater withdrawals Irrigated crops, livestock, fisheries, aquaculture and forestry, account for roughly 70 percent of total freshwater withdrawals globally and for over 90 percent in the majority...

What Can We Expect From the Dynamic Natural Gas Market? Find out at the 37TH Gas Industry Meeting in Opatija

The 37th International Scientific and Expert Meeting of Gas Professionals will be held this year from 11th to 13th May at the Congress Centre of the Grand Hotel Adriatic in Opatija. The...

The Fieragricola and Informatore Agrario Innovation Awards Have Been Announced

The winners of the fourth edition of the Italian Agriculture Innovation Awards were announced today. From agricultural robots to hybrid tractors with reversible drive through to food and feed with natural antioxidant...

Renewables and Green Gas: The Only Viable Antidote to High Fossil Fuel Prices

Outdated perceptions of the costs of clean energy remain a major barrier to the energy transition. Despite the dramatic fall in prices across these technologies, the dialogue surrounding 'cheap' fossil fuels and...

Running Like Clockwork

Solar panels on the roofs in Serbia are not a common picture. One, the first step into the world of photovoltaics is not going to cut it. However, this modest share of...

European Solar Leaders call on EU Commission and Member States to develop solar industrial strategy in 2022

Eight leading European solar developers have written to the European Commission and Council to request a European strategy for the solar PV value chain in 2022. The European solar market is experiencing exponential,...

Why Children and Youth Hold the Key to a Sustainable Future

In a world where climate change-induced environmental emergencies, such as floods, extreme temperatures and fires, are increasingly becoming the norm, the future can often look uncertain. This future is particularly uncertain for...

Surging Electricity Demand is Putting Power Systems Under Strain Around the World

Global electricity demand surged in 2021, creating strains in major markets, pushing prices to unprecedented levels and driving the power sector’s emissions to a record high. Electricity is central to modern life...

The Round we Must not Lose

Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Chief, Consultant, and MMA fighter – all of these terms describe one person. Luka Strezoski is living proof that anything is possible if you love what...

COP26 Climate Pledges Could Help Limit Global Warming to 1.8 °C, but Implementing Them Will Be the Key

At the COP26 Climate Change Conference taking place in Glasgow, a key question is what do all the new pledges by different countries to reduce emissions mean for global warming? This was...

EBRD EUR 4 Million Loan to Partner Microfinance Institution in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is supporting green investments in Bosnia and Herzegovina with a EUR 4 million loan to Partner Mikrokreditna Fondacija Tuzla (Partner) through the Bank’s Western...

G7 Members Have a Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Towards Electricity Sectors With Net Zero Emissions

G7 members are well placed to fully decarbonise their electricity supply by 2035, which would accelerate the technological advances and infrastructure rollouts needed to lead global energy markets towards net zero emissions...

Between the Myth and Responsibility

Is it all that it takes for one product to have labels such as eco, 100 percent natural, or 100 percent bio so that we are assured that buying it would do...

Solving the Chicken and Egg Problem: Auctions for Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen (hydrogen produced from renewable energy) has received increasing attention across the energy sector in recent years, given its capability to decarbonise ‘hard to abate’ sectors (such as steelmaking) and provide...



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