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Indian Solar Floats to the Top with New Deal

ReNew Power has secured a tender to build a new 3MW facility in VisakhapatnamAn Indian renewable energy company has won a proposal to develop a 3MW floating solar farmin Visakhapatnam.The facility to be...

90% of Table Salt Is Contaminated with Mircroplastics

A year after researchers at a New York university discovered microplastics present in sea salt thanks to widespread plastic pollution, researchers in South Korea set out to find out how pervasive the problem is—and...

2018 Likely to Rank as Fourth-Hottest Year on Record

After a summer of record-breaking heatwaves and devastating wildfires, 2018 is shaping up to be one of the planet's hottest years in recorded history. From January through September, the average global temperature was 1.39°F above the...

Study: Orangutans Are Facing a Form of Eco-Genocide

If people had been doing this to other people, we’d call it genocide. Yet that’s what people have been doing to Borneo’s orangutans: perpetrating a form of eco-genocide against them. In this...

Taxing Carbon May Sound Like a Good Idea But Does It Work?

Exxon Mobil is backing a proposal to tax oil, gas and coal companies for the carbon they emit and redistribute the money raised that way to all Americans. It's also giving a...

About 70 Hydropower Projects in Himalayas at Risk of Quake-Triggered Landslides

During 2015 Nepal earthquake, the hydropower sector experienced severe losses. The country temporarily lost about 20 per cent of its hydropower capacity and more than 30 hydropower projects were damaged. The projects,...

Killer Whales: Why More Than Half World’s Orcas Are Threatened by Leftover Industrial Chemicals

More than half of the world’s killer whales are threatened by a group of toxic industrial chemicals that accumulate in their blubber and can be passed on from mother to calf. That’s...

Google, World Bank and EU Among Key Players Pledging Climate Action at One Planet Summit

Political and business leaders met in New York Wednesday to reaffirm their commitment to fighting climate change at the second annual One Planet SummitThe summit was hosted as part of Climate Week NYC by French President Emmanuel Macron,...

Greenpeace Report: Europe Has 10 Years Left to Ditch Fossil Fuel Cars

Europe must phase out the sales of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled cars by 2028 if it wants to live up to its Paris climate agreement emissions-reduction pledges, according to new research by...

Online Ivory Trade Perpetuated by Yahoo Japan, Weak Legislation

Yahoo Japan is the single biggest online platform for elephant ivory sales in Japan, according to a new TRAFFIC investigation, which recorded a staggering 4,414 ivory items plus 35 whole tusks for...

52 Percent of World’s Birds of Prey Populations in Decline

Grim news for the world's raptors—an iconic group of birds consisting of hawks, falcons, kites, eagles, vultures and owls. After analyzing the status of all 557 raptor species, biologists discovered that 18 percent...

Botswana Poaching Spree Sees 90 Elephants Killed in Two Months

Ninety elephant carcasses have been found in Botswana with their tusks hacked off, in what is believed to be one of Africa’s worst mass poaching sprees. Most of the animals killed were large...

UP Project Leads to World’s First Lion Cubs Born Through Artificial Insemination

A lioness at the Ukutula Conservation Center (UCC) and Biobank, in South Africa North’s West province has given birth to two cubs conceived via non-surgical artificial insemination (AI), using fresh semen collected...

Indonesia Mobilizes 20,000 Citizens to Clean Up Plastic Pollution

Indonesia wastes upward of 10 billion plastic bags every year, making it the second highest polluter of plastic in the entire world. To address the growing plastic pollution problem, thousands of volunteers...

Air Pollution Shortens Human Life by One Year, on Average

In a summer marked by air quality alerts as wildfires rage in the western U.S., a study has been published finding that air pollution lowers the average lifespan by one year worldwide.The...

Carbon Emissions ‘Will Threaten Crops and Human Nutrition’

Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations will threaten crops and levels of human nutrition around the world.That’s according to researchers from the Harvard Chan School, which examined the impact of the gas on iron,...



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