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Insure Your Electric Vehicle

Serbia is in the beginning stages of introducing electric vehicles on the market. However, it does not have a developed network of charging stations, but it is believed that the situation is...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...

Mixed Forests Are Healthier, But Can They Survive Climate Change?

German researchers have confirmed once again that a good forest is a mixed forest, a natural one, with a diversity of species. The more diverse the forest, the better it becomes at...

Why Transportation Is now the Top Source of US Pollution

With the holidays coming around, it may be a good time to note that the countless miles that Americans will drive, train or fly has a big planetary impact. In fact, the transportation...

World Is Set to Warm 3.4°C By 2100

By approaching 2100, a world set for 3.4˚C will, on present trends, probably be the reality confronting our descendants—slightly less warm than looked likely a year ago, analysts think. That's the good...

The leaders in the development and production of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion systems

Natural gas, biogas, and electricity accumulated in batteries are just some of the energy sources that the world-famous manufacturer of commercial vehicles uses to replace fossil fuels with increasing success, thus achieving...

Wyatt Wants Winnipeg to Generate and Sell Solar Power

Coun. Russ Wyatt wants Winnipeg to create a new arm's-length corporation that will generate solar power and sell it back to Manitoba Hydro. The Transcona councillor has authored a motion to create a...

MATT MCGRATH: Are Vehicles Greener on the Other Side as Well

With Matt McGrath, BBC journalist specialized in reporting on science and ecology, we discussed the steps that are being taken in the United Kingdom to alleviate the apparent climatic changes caused by...

UN: Current Climate Goals Would Still Lead To 3° Celsius Temperature Rise By 2100, More Aggressive Targets Needed

The achievement of the Paris Climate Agreement mitigation plans submitted to date by 163 different countries would still lead to a 3° Celsius temperature rise by 2100, according to the UN. What that...

National Climate Report Finds Virtually ALL Global Temperature Rise Since 1950 Caused By Human Activity

The National Climate Report is an annual assessment mandated by Congress. This year’s report has just been released and it contains this stunning finding — virtually all of the observed increase in...

ALEKSANDRA ĐURĐEVIĆ Although There Are Neither Chargers nor Incentives in Serbia, Drivers Are Thrilled with BMW Electric and Hybrid Cars

At this year’s Car Show in Belgrade, Delta Motors not only presented visitors a wide range of BMW’s electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrid cars but also decided to place these vehicles on...

IDVORSKY ELECTRIC TRACTOR: Our Idea for a Sustainable Future

The road that Dalibor Marković, Nikola Popov and Ivan Jovanov have passed since the first mentioning of an electric tractor till today is pervaded through struggle, learning, research, satisfaction, enthusiasm and disappointments,...

Paris Wants No Conventional Cars On Its Streets By 2030

Paris is known for taking progressive measures to fight climate change. In December of 2015, delegates from every nation gathered in the City of Light to create the historic COP21 climate accords....

UK and Canada to Champion Global Coal Phase-Out Alliance

The UK and Canada have together challenged countries around the world to join them in bringing an end to coal-fired power, yesterday inviting other nations to join a new global alliance to...

Global Carbon Emissions Stood Still in 2016, Offering Climate Hope

The new data is a welcome sign of progress in the battle against global warming but many challenges remain, including methane from cattle. Global emissions of climate-warming carbon dioxide remained static in 2016,...



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