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Petrol Cars Allowed to Exceed Pollution Limits by 50% Under Draft EU Laws

New European cars with petrol engines will be allowed to overshoot a limit on toxic particulates emissions by 50% under a draft EU regulation backed by the UK and most other EU...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

Solar & Wind Cheaper To Replace Coal In UK Than Biomass

A new study has concluded that transitioning to wind and solar power would be a cheaper option for the United Kingdom to replace its coal fleet than using biomass electricity generation. According to...

Air Pollution more Deadly in Africa than Malnutrition or Dirty Water, Study Warns

Africa’s air pollution is causing more premature deaths than unsafe water or childhood malnutrition, and could develop into a health and climate crisis reminiscent of those seen in China and India, a...

Shipping ‘Progressives’ Call for Industry Carbon Emission Cuts

Many of the world’s biggest shipowners and charterers have called on heads of state to take swift action to force carbon emission cuts on their industry which is the only sector in...

Six Energy-Harvesting Gadgets Powered by People

People power is perhaps one of the world's greatest untapped sources of renewable energy. Smart devices that harness kinetic energy from everyday human activities help the environment in more ways than one....

Park City, Utah Commits to 100% Renewable Energy

Park City, Utah is on the front lines of global warming as it grapples with decreasing snowfall and a shorter winter season that traditionally draws thousands of skiers and snowboarders from around...

Plans for an Electric Car Charging Point in Every New Home in Europe

Car manufacturers welcome plans by the EU to boost the convenience of electric cars by increasing recharging facilities. Every new or refurbished house in Europe will need to be equipped with an electric...

Another Strong Year for China’s Wind Industry

The proposal for new feed-in tariffs for onshore wind in the draft NEA decree: The Chinese wind market continued to power ahead during the first half of 2016. According to the Chinese Wind...

Solar-Powered Houses Take Starring Role in Denver’s Community of Tomorrow

Zero-emission electric vehicles charge along the street. People walk along LED-lighted sidewalks. A commuter train drops travelers off from the airport to enjoy dinner at a corner café. And the houses? They're...

Detroit Diesel Corp. to Pay Penalty and Reduce Exposure to Harmful Diesel Exhaust to Resolve Clean Air Act Violations

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) today announced a settlement with Detroit Diesel Corp. that resolves alleged violations of the Clean Air Act for selling...

Strengthen the Capacities for the Use of Bioenergy in Serbia

Delegation of German Economy in Serbia organized a conference entitled ‘Biomass and Biogas in Serbia’ at the beginning of April in Belgrade. A number of interested companies from Germany held a presentation...

UK’s Billions of Takeaway Cups Could Each Take ’30 Years’ to Break Down

Coffee-addicted Britain is leaving a mountain of toxic waste for the next generation as scientists warn it could take decades for paper cups from Starbucks, Pret a Manger and other chains to...

Lithuania to Generate up to EUR 500 Million for Energy Efficiency with EIB

European Investment Bank (EIB) to attract private finance into residential energy efficiency modernisation via a guarantee scheme funded by the Lithuanian Government. The Lithuanian Leveraged Fund, a guarantee scheme funded with EUR 100...

Energy Efficiency Should Be Placed on a Level Playing Field in the Clean Energy Incentive Program

Despite the fact that energy efficiency is generally the least-cost option for states looking to comply with the Clean Power Plan, it has yet to be fully considered as a strategy for...



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