Search results for:oceans

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Plastic Pollution Endangering UK Wildlife, Greenpeace Finds

Wildlife along the UK coastline is under threat from mounds of plastic pollution caused by discarded plastic bags, bottles, fishing nets and microplastics, campaigners will warn today. A two-month expedition by Greenpeace around...

Volvo Ocean Race Team Will Raise Awareness Of Ocean Plastic Danger

A team in this year’s Volvo Ocean Race is dedicated to raising global awareness of danger posed by ocean plastic. The Volvo Ocean Race is one of the premier sailing competitions in...

Portion Of West Antarctica Twice Size Of California Partially Melted In 2016

A portion of West Antarctica over twice the size of the US state of California partially melted in 2016 as the result of high temperatures brought by an especially pronounced El Niño,...

How Dead Is the Great Barrier Reef?

Worried about the future of the Great Barrier Reef? If so, you're not alone. Many publications have already written obituaries for the reef, despite the fact that it is not completely dead. According to...

Researchers Develop Solar Paint That Turns Water Vapor Into Hydrogen

It may be getting cheaper and easier to install solar panels onto your rooftop but what if you could generate clean energy for your home with just some paint? This reality is inching...

Black Sea Is Damaged by Human Activity, the Environmental Research Reveals

Findings of the Black Sea Monitoring Surveys, carried out by the team of Georgian, Ukrainian and European researchers with assistance from the European Union (EU) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), were...

Tesco to Trial a Phase-Out of Single-Use 5p Plastic Bags

Shoppers at a handful of Tesco stores in the UK will no longer be able to buy 5p "single-use" plastic carrier bags, in the first such trial by a supermarket. If successful, it...

David Suzuki: Plastic Pollution Is Choking the Planet

People who deny that humans are wreaking havoc on the planet's life-support systems astound me. When confronted with the obvious damage we're doing to the biosphere—from climate change to water and air...

CO2 Levels Heading Back to the Days of the Dinosaur

 If humans burn all the fossil fuels at their disposal—and this could happen in the next two centuries—researchers predict that the planetary atmosphere would match the one that witnessed the days of...

Great Barrier Reef Reaches ‘Terminal Stage’

Warming oceans have caused a large bleaching event in the Great Barrier Reef for the second year in a row, new aerial surveys show. This year's bleaching extends much further south than areas...

Indonesia Pledges $1 Billion Annually to Tackle Ocean Pollution Problem

Indonesia unloads more plastic into the oceans than any other country, except China. But now the country plans to invest $1 billion every year to reduce ocean pollution 70 percent by 2025. Indonesia...

Fighting Environmental Injustice in Europe

Behind the dominant narrative of the Greek crisis, there is a story of resource exploitation that will be all too familiar to millions of people in Latin America, Africa and Asia. With their...

There’s a Bold New Plan to Make Ocean Trash a Thing of the Past

The way things are going now, our oceans will contain more plastic than fish by 2050. An ambitious United Nations campaign aims to stop this from happening. On Wednesday, UN Environment announced its...

Humans Causing Climate to Change 170 Times Faster than Natural Forces

Researchers behind ‘Anthropocene equation’ say impact of people’s intense activity on Earth far exceeds that of natural events spread across millennia. For the first time, researchers have developed a mathematical equation to describe...

IKEA Cooks Up Kitchen Made from Recycled Plastic Bottles

IKEA has further expanded its portfolio of green products with the launch this week of a new range of sustainable kitchen fronts made using recycled plastics and wood. The KUNGSBACKA range has been...

Rising Carbon Emissions Could Kill Off Vital Corals by 2100, Study Warns

The destruction of coral reefs worldwide could accelerate as rising carbon emissions help coral-killing seaweeds grow more poisonous and take over, according to researchers. A Griffith University study on the Great Barrier Reef...



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