Search results for:high temperatures

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Climate Change To Dramatically Shift European Electricity Consumption

A team of scientists from Germany and the United States has determined that rising temperatures due to climate change will have a dramatic impact on Europe’s electricity consumption patterns, culminating in putting...

David Suzuki: Wildfires Are a Climate Change Wake-Up Call

Wildfires are sweeping BC. Close to 900 have burned through 600,000 hectares so far this year, blanketing western North America with smoke. Fighting them has cost more than $230 million—and the season...

Planet has Just 5% Chance of Reaching Paris Climate Goal, Study Says

There is only a five per cent chance that the Earth will avoid warming by at least 2C come the end of the century, according to new research that paints a sobering...

Ozone Pollution Tied To Cardiovascular Disease

Ozone air pollution has now been directly tied to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which expands the list of health effects known to be caused by ozone exposure, and also lowers...

Met Office: 2016 was UK’s 13th Warmest Year in More Than a Century

The long-term trend towards warmer weather continues with the UK experiencing its 13th hottest year in more than a century in 2016, according to the Met Office. Findings in the annual State of...

AIR POLLUTION AND CARS: Diesel Today is Better than Gas

Modern diesel cars emit less pollution generally than cars that run on gasoline, says a new six-nation study published today in Scientific Reports whose groundwork was laid in part by an American...

100 Fossil Fuel Producers Responsible For 71% Of Emissions Since 1988

A historic new report from CDP has revealed that 71% of all greenhouse gas emissions since 1988 can be traced back to only 100 fossil fuel producers, a group which together are...

New Study Suggests We Are Headed For Warmest Climate In Half A Billion Years

Carbon dioxide concentrations are heading towards values not seen in the past 200m years. The sun has also been gradually getting stronger over time. Put together, these facts mean the climate may...

Hopes of Mild Climate Change Dashed by New Research

Hopes that the world's huge carbon emissions might not drive temperatures up to dangerous levels have been dashed by new research. The work shows that temperature rises measured over recent decades do not...

Study: Climate Change To Wipe Out Half Of Ethiopia’s Coffee-Growing Area

The birthplace of coffee, Ethiopia, is likely to lose up to half of its total coffee-growing area by the end of the century as a result of anthropogenic climate change and its...

US Commercial Buildings Could Cut Energy Use 29% With Widespread Controls

A new report by the US Energy Department’s Pacific Northwest National Laboratory has concluded that widespread use of building controls across the country could cut energy consumption by an average of 29%,...

Canada Is Now 1.7 Degrees Warmer Than In 1948

Average global temperatures keep rising. While 2016 is the warmest year on record, the previous record was set in 2015 and, before that, 2014. A new joint report from Health Canada and...

Flights Cancelled In Phoenix Because Of Extreme Heat (+118° Fahrenheit)

The intense heat wave that’s been gripping much of the western US in recent days has actually forced the cancellation of a number of flights out of Phoenix, Arizona — owing to...

May 2017 Was 2nd Warmest May On Record, Behind Only May 2016

May 2017 was the second warmest (or hottest) May on record — in terms of global average surface temperatures. It was only a tenth of a degree behind the current record holder,...

Could the Coldest Days Provide a Wind Power Boost?

A new study released yesterday suggests concerns about the impact the cold days have on wind power output may have been overblown, and provides new evidence wind power output exceeds the winter...

California & China to Cooperate on Carbon Emissions Reduction

California governor Jerry Brown is in China this week. He will be the keynote speaker at the Under2 Clean Energy Forum in Beijing on June 7. That event will bring together leaders...



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