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Siemens Gamesa Secures 1 Gigawatt Of New Capacity In Turkey

Spanish wind energy giant Siemens Gamesa announced this week it has signed an agreement to develop 1 gigawatt worth of wind capacity in Turkey. Announced on Tuesday, Siemens Gamesa revealed that it had...

Australia’s Solar Power Boom Could Almost Double Capacity in a Year, Analysts Say

A record-breaking month of rooftop installations and a flood of large-scale solar farms could almost double Australia’s solar power capacity in a single year, industry analysts say. A massive solar energy boom is...

Stanford Engineers: Here’s How 139 Countries Can Avoid Blackouts With 100% Clean Energy

Renewable energy solutions are often hindered by the inconsistencies of power produced by wind, water and sunlight and the continuously fluctuating demand for energy. New research by Mark Z. Jacobson, a professor...

Ph.D. Aleksandar Joksimovic: The Adriatic is Our Heritage – We Must Preserve It!

With four national parks and a multitude of forest systems, more than 50 protected plant species and 320 animal species, although small in size, Montenegro has three different natural environments at a distance...

Robert Nygard: Serbia Has Capacity for Managing New Investments in Ecology

Swedish government agency for international development and cooperation - SIDA was founded with a mission to help reducing poverty in the world and to distribute humanitarian aid to people in the conflict...

Thailand’s Biggest Wind Power Generator Plans Solar, Hydro Expansion

Thailand’s biggest wind power generator, Wind Energy Holdings (WEH), plans to invest into other sources of electricity including solar, hydro and biomass to back up its capacity, its chief executive told Reuters...

US Wind Industry Installed 7 Gigawatts In 2017 & Drove $11 Billion In Investment

The US wind industry installed an impressive 7 gigawatts of new power capacity in 2017 and drove $11 billion worth of new private investment, according to a new report published by the...

California Wants 5 Million Zero Emissions Cars On Its Roads By 2030

California seeks to preserve its place as the greenest state in America with more cleantech leadership. On January 26, governor Jerry Brown signed an executive order that commits the state to a...

Solar Energy Can Create More Good Jobs

Iowa is known across the country as a leader in renewable energy, including ethanol, biodiesel and wind. These industries are built on Iowa’s natural resources and benefit Iowans through lower energy costs,...

Report: EU Renewables Beat Coal Power for the First Time

New EU renewables generation increased sharply in 2017, but the lion's share of these gains were shouldered by the UK and Germany, demonstrating the "uneven" nature of energy sector decarbonisation across Europe. That...

Ørsted Begins Construction Of World Largest Offshore Wind Farm, The 1.2 Gigawatt Hornsea Project One

Danish offshore wind company Ørsted has begun construction on the 1.2 gigawatt Hornsea Project One offshore wind farm which, upon completion, will be the largest offshore wind farm in the world. Late last...

Scientists Investigated Wind Farm Noise For 3 Years. Here’s What They Found

Scientists in Germany have been studying the effects of wind farm noise on nearby residents and have discovered that not everyone is annoyed by the wind farms, but that those who are...

EIA Expects Wind Energy To Surpass Hydro In 2019

The US Energy Information Administration has this week predicted that electricity generated from wind energy will surpass that from hydroelectricity, the previously-dominant renewable energy source in the US. According to the latest Short-Term...


Although EcoHealth is significant for all living beings on the planet, the general public is not yet sufficiently familiar with the concept and term of this multidisciplinary field.The multiplication of the number...

Chinese Technology Helps Cuba Build Largest Wind Farm

Cuba aims to become one of the more than 100 countries that will meet their energy demands with renewable sources like wind, water or sunlight by 2050, as experts predict. To reach that...

Masdar Expands Renewables Portfolio Amid Flurry of Solar Deals Across Middle East

As clean energy firm Masdar unveiled a raft of deals aimed at expanding its renewables portfolio internationally, a flurry of wind and solar investments this week further served to highlight the Middle...



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