Search results for:the energy crisis

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What is the Sixth Mass Extinction and What Can We Do About It?

A mass extinction is a short period of geological time in which a high percentage of biodiversity, or distinct species—bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates—dies out. In this definition, it’s...

Global CO2 Emissions Rebounded to Their Highest Level in History in 2021

Increased use of coal was the main factor driving up global energy-related CO2 emissions by over 2 billion tonnes, their largest ever annual rise in absolute terms. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions rose...

EU Commissioners Breton and Simson Call for Scale up of European Solar PV Industry

Organized by the French alternative energies and atomic energy commission, CEA; European trade association SolarPower Europe; and EIT InnoEnergy, the innovation engine for sustainable energy across Europe supported by the European Institute...

Renewables and Green Gas: The Only Viable Antidote to High Fossil Fuel Prices

Outdated perceptions of the costs of clean energy remain a major barrier to the energy transition. Despite the dramatic fall in prices across these technologies, the dialogue surrounding 'cheap' fossil fuels and...

What is the Future of Electric Cars?

Contrary to all expectations, the year 2020, gloomy as was to all, caused so much trouble that we were impatiently waiting to “see it vanish”, yet had one bright spot. Once the...

Another Warning by IPCC Climate Scientists is Heading Our Way

Remember the Code Red for Humanity? It was the warning report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which is composed of the world’s leading climate scientists. Issued last August, the report was...

WADI + Sun = Free Potable Water

The perfection is in simplicity, which also goes for simple inventions. Thus, a small device, called WADI, which does not require batteries, chemi-cals, or spare parts, can save a large part of...

Why Children and Youth Hold the Key to a Sustainable Future

In a world where climate change-induced environmental emergencies, such as floods, extreme temperatures and fires, are increasingly becoming the norm, the future can often look uncertain. This future is particularly uncertain for...

Green Power, Clean Air

Are the sun and water resources that could clear the path to a climate-neutral world or just another “bad master” who could bring droughts and floods? Both scenarios are equally possible. However,...

Surging Electricity Demand is Putting Power Systems Under Strain Around the World

Global electricity demand surged in 2021, creating strains in major markets, pushing prices to unprecedented levels and driving the power sector’s emissions to a record high. Electricity is central to modern life...

Loyal Partners In Serbia’s Green Transition

Some would say that after 70 years of existence, a company would not have any challenges to face. Tetra Pak company's employees are still full of life and energy, but also responsible...

Ball Uses Recycling to Dominate the Global Market

Every day in the market we see new products being made with only one goal, which is to make our lives easier. Only a few of us would ask how much does...

IMMOFINANZ to reach emission-free status by 2040

IMMOFINANZ is making an important contribution to the fight against climate change with its new Net Zero Emission Strategy. Plans call for a reduction of 60 percent (below the 2019 level) in...

5 Reasons Why a Healthy Ocean is Linked to Human Rights

We live on a blue planet, with oceans and seas covering more than 70 percent of the Earth’s surface. Oceans feed us, regulate our climate, and generate most of the oxygen we...

New mobility as a solution for decarbonization of transport in Serbia

The Covid-19 pandemic has shown the essential role and necessity of transport, especially when the movement of people, goods, and services is severely limited. Before the crisis, continuous economic growth wasn’t harmonized...

With the Power of Nature to a Better Life

16 th International Energy Fair, which is being held at the Belgrade Fair from the 23 rd to the 25 th of November, comes at a time of deep and global energy...



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