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WHO Calls for More Research into Microplastics and a Crackdown on Plastic Pollution

The World Health Organization (WHO) today calls for a further assessment of microplastics in the environment and their potential impacts on human health, following the release of an analysis of current research...

Amazon Rainforest Fires: Global Leaders Urged to Divert Brazil from ‘Suicide’ Path

International pressure may be the only way to stop the Brazilian government from taking a “suicide” path in the Amazon, one of the country’s most respected scientists has said, as the world’s...

Forest-Friendly Chocolate

Sougue Kadjatou is a 45-year-old farmer who lives with her husband and two children in Agboville, a village in Côte d’Ivoire. Her cocoa plantation, where she works every day from morning until...

Why Forest Elephant Extinction Will Make Climate Change Much Worse

Forest elephant extinction would exacerbate climate change. That’s according to a new study in Nature Geoscience which links feeding by elephants with an increase in the amount of carbon that forests are...

Extreme Water Stress Affects a Quarter of the World’s Population, Say Experts

A quarter of the world’s population across 17 countries are living in regions of extremely high water stress, a measure of the level of competition over water resources, a new report reveals.Experts...

Starvation Deaths of 200 Reindeer in Arctic Caused by Climate Crisis, Say Researchers

About 200 reindeer have been found dead from starvation in the Arctic archipelago Svalbard, an unusually high number, the Norwegian Polar Institute has said, pointing the finger at climate crisis.During an annual...

Europe’s Forests Are Booming and Here’s Why

Around the world, forests are shrinking due to deforestation, urban development and climate change, but in Europe that trend has been reversed. Large areas of the continent have seen a forest boom that...

France Will Hike Air Fares to Fight Climate Change

A new 'eco tax' will raise money for less polluting modes of transportation. France announced on 9th July that it will introduce an 'eco tax' on all flights originating within the country. The amount...

Dietary Fibres from Nature

The use of antibiotics significantly improved the medical practice of the 20th century, and with the vaccination it contributed to almost completely eradicating certain diseases. Yet, their efficiency and availability led to...

Breaching a “Carbon Threshold” Could Lead to Mass Extinction

Carbon dioxide emissions may trigger a reflex in the carbon cycle, with devastating consequences, study finds. In the brain, when neurons fire off electrical signals to their neighbors, this happens through an “all-or-none”...

Massive Reforestation Is Key to Averting a Climate Catastrophe

Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is “the best climate change solution available”, according to a new study. The researchers claim that covering 900m hectares of land – roughly the...

Canada Declares Climate Emergency, then Approves Pipeline Expansion

Trudeau doesn't seem to understand what 'climate emergency' means. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is riding a rollercoaster of public opinion these days. Many Canadians were pleased with the House of Commons' declaration...

EU Requires Carmakers to Add Fake Engine Noises to Electric Cars

Electric vehicles have been hailed as part of the answer to the climate crisis, but for some people they represent a new danger.Pedestrians can struggle to hear quiet electric and hybrid vehicles...

Heat Stress Could Destroy 80m Jobs and Cost $2.4bn a Year

An increase in heat stress at work linked to climate change is projected to cost the global economy the equivalent of $2.4 billion (£1.9bn) a year and lead to tens of millions...

‘Climate Apartheid’ Will See Millions of World’s Poorest Severely Impacted

A ‘climate apartheid’ will see millions of the world’s poorest people severely impacted. That’s the chilling forecast from UN Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights, Philip Alston, who said even if...

Aldi to Trial Plastic-Free Veg at Its Stores in England

Aldi is extending a trial to eliminate the use of plastic packaging for some fresh vegetables at its stores in England. The supermarket started selling five loose fresh produce, including savoy cabbage, white...



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