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Caring For the Environment Should Be a Lifestyle 

Traffic belongs to major air pollutants, and selection of the mode of transport is considered as one of the main factors of influence. We all have the opportunity to make that choice....

The Ambassador of Hungary, Attilával Pintér: Energy Security is an Imperative Both For Hungary and Serbia

There are a lot of things Hungary has been doing in recent years that not only countries in the region but in the whole Europe can take as an example. Although there...

National Measures to Cut Air Pollution Would Benefit From Stronger Links With Climate Action

Actions taken to reduce emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases often address the same economic sectors but are reported separately under different EU legislation. This briefing presents an overview of the latest...

IRENA and Ocean Energy Europe Partner to Drive Ocean Energy Industry

The CEO of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), Rémi Gruet and the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco La Camera, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today at the annual...

Global Tourism Plastics Initiative Welcomes 26 New Signatories

The Global Tourism Plastics Initiative has welcomed 26 new signatories, including businesses and organizations from every part of the global tourism value chain. Led by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the...

Mongolia Receives New $23.1 Million Gcf Grant to Strengthen Climate Resilience

The Green Climate Fund approved a new US$23.1million grant to UNDP supported project aimed at strengthening climate resilience in Mongolia. The grant comes at a time when the country is facing a...

Sustainable Cities: Lessons from Nepal and Colombia

Cities have always had to conform to their natural surroundings. Traditional Moroccan housing was designed with open air courtyards to help with ventilation in the dry and hot climate. While in Iceland,...

This Is What’s Happening With Single-Use Plastics Around the World

Canada will ban a range of single-use plastic products by the end of next year. The ban will focus on six items that are often found in the environment, are often not recycled...

Creation of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics under the auspices of UNESCO

UNESCO and France have formalized the creation in Montpellier of the International Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics (ICIReWaRD) which will provide expertise, carry out research and training actions in...

Climate Investment Platform: Plugging the Energy Investment Gap in Developing Countries

IRENA and Climate Investment Platform partners are working closely to advance renewables deployment efforts in developing countries. Access to renewable energy finance remains a key challenge for developing nations. While many countries across...

Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline

A majority of EU wide protected species, such as the Saker Falcon and the Danube Salmon, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently...

Countries Raise the Sails on Offshore Renewables Sector

Offshore renewables, including offshore wind, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, and floating solar PV, will witness substantial growth in capacity over the next decade and play an essential role in the global energy...

How Investing In Nature Can Help Tackle The Biodiversity And Climate Crises

This month, world leaders and experts convened for the UN General Assembly which is culminating in the UN Summit on Biodiversity today. The Summit will emphasise the need to safeguard nature and...

Renewables at Heart of Reaching Zero Emissions in Industry and Transport

Only seven industry and transport sectors will account for 38% of all CO2 emissions globally in 2050 unless there are significant changes in current approaches. Concerted action beyond planned policies can turn the...

Status of Climate Risk Management in Latin American and Caribbean Banks

A survey among 78 financial institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean holding 54% of the total assets managed by the banking sector in the region, revealed that 38% of banks incorporate...

This App Plants Trees When People Make Lower-Carbon Choices

Ant Forest is a mobile game that has become China’s largest private sector tree-planting scheme. The game has funded the planting of more than 120 million trees, covering more than 100,000...



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