Search results for:global temperatures

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Climate Change Linked with Increased Suicide Rates

Climate change is likely to cause thousands of additional suicides in coming decades as the earth’s temperature soars, according to a new study. Global warming has already been implicated in the spread of diseases...

Will Climate Change Make the Next World Cup Too Hot to Handle

After four weeks of fanfare, the 2018 World Cup has come to a close. France's victory in Sunday's final marked the end of a summer filled with thrilling victories, surprise defeats, national...

The Arctic Is Burning: Wildfires Rage from Sweden to Alaska

There are currently 11 wildfires blazing in the Arctic circle, The Guardian reported Wednesday. While fires are also raging in Russia, Norway and Finland, Sweden has seen the most extensive Arctic fires, which...

Summer Heat Waves Break Records Across Northern Hemisphere

The summer of 2018 is shaping up to be one for the record books. Locations across the Northern Hemisphere have recorded their hottest temperatures ever this past week, the Washington Post reported...

Wineries Around the World Grapple With Climate Change

In our rapidly changing climate—where weather patterns are less predictable, and drought and heatwaves have become longer and more intense—the world's wine producers can be particularly hit hard.Vintners in South Africa, France,...

One Football Pitch of Forest Lost every Second in 2017, Data Reveals

The world lost more than one football pitch of forest every second in 2017, according to new data from a global satellite survey, adding up to an area equivalent to the whole...

ORCA: Nature in the Service of Agriculture

In the interview with Elvir Burazerovic, General Manager of NGO ORCA, we found out what is necessary to do in order to make our agriculture sustainable, as well as what ORCA is...

Climate Change May Be Slowing Hurricanes, Leading to More Flood-Heavy Storms

Two studies published within two months of each other show that typhoons and hurricanes are getting slower, and are expected to slow even more as the planet warms, suggesting that climate change...

Pollutionwatch: Air Contamination Drops by 30% in China

Beijing is slowly shedding its image as the world’s most polluted city. In 2013, it ranked as the 40th worst city for the particulate PM2.5 in the World Health Organisation global database....

Hitting Toughest Climate Target Will Save World $30tn in Damages, Analysis Shows

Achieving the toughest climate change target set in the global Paris agreement will save the world about $30tn in damages, far more than the costs of cutting carbon emissions, according to a...

Climate Change on Track to Cause Major Insect Wipeout, Scientists Warn

Global warming is on track to cause a major wipeout of insects, compounding already severe losses, according to a new analysis. Insects are vital to most ecosystems and a widespread collapse would cause...

Goran Trivan The Minister of Environmental Protection: We Must Take Care of the Branch We are Sitting on

The term "sustainable development" origins from forestry and in short, it means that a man can cut down as many old trees as he has planted. In an attempt to come up...

Paris Agreement Needs a Boost: Climate Talks Underway in Bonn With 193 Governments

The global climate treaty, the Paris agreement, already ratified by a huge majority of the world's governments, is for the next 10 days in intensive care. That doesn't mean it's in danger of...

Hope for Great Barrier Reef? New Study Shows Genetic Diversity of Coral Could Extend Our Chance to Save It

A study published Wednesday had some frightening news for the Great Barrier Reef—the iconic marine ecosystem is at "unprecedented" risk of collapse due to climate change after a 2016 heat wave led...

Scientists Accidentally Create Mutant Enzyme That Eats Plastic Bottles

Scientists have created a mutant enzyme that breaks down plastic drinks bottles – by accident. The breakthrough could help solve the global plastic pollution crisis by enabling for the first time the...

Climate Change and Invasive Milkweed Could Make Toxic Cocktail for Monarchs, Study Finds

Monarch butterflies are already in danger. Their numbers have decreased by 80 percent in the past 20 years, and this year's count of the number of the black-and-orange butterflies wintering in Mexico...



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