Search results for:fossil energy

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Green Subsidies to Push UK Energy Bills Higher than Planned

Household energy bills in four years’ time will be £17 higher annually than planned because of the number of windfarms and solar panels installed in recent years, according to the government’s spending...

Strengthen the Capacities for the Use of Bioenergy in Serbia

Delegation of German Economy in Serbia organized a conference entitled ‘Biomass and Biogas in Serbia’ at the beginning of April in Belgrade. A number of interested companies from Germany held a presentation...

The Future Belongs to Clean Energy

As we close out a summer marked by uncertainty in news and events, one trend for which analysts voice increasing certainty is the accelerating pace of the clean-energy transformation reshaping how the...

IEA Encourages Turkey to Deepen Energy Market Reforms

Since the last IEA in-depth review in 2009, Turkey has made significant progress in reforming its energy sector. Completing the reforms will allow Turkey to tap into its renewable and energy efficiency...

Serbia has remarkable wind-based energy generation potential

Energy portal had chance to meet in Novi Sad Mr Henk van den Dool, ambassador of Netherlands in Serbia. We talk to him during  the fair “International days of energetics and investment”...

IEA urges Japan to decarbonise its energy supply

Japan should balance and diversify its energy mix through a combination of renewable and nuclear energy and efficient thermal power generation, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today in its latest review...

Cities Are at the Frontline of the Energy Transition

Cities dominate energy demand, and by extension are responsible for a significant share of carbon emissions. In 2013, the world’s urban areas accounted for about 64% of global primary energy use and...

UK Will Miss its 2020 Renewable Energy Targets, Warn MPs

Urgent action is needed if UK is to meet its targets, particularly for heating and transport The UK will fail to meet its targets on renewable energy generation, with take-up of clean fuels...

Helping Kenya introduce county-level energy planning based on renewable resources

Participants from 33 counties attended a training course on sustainable energy, organized by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) at the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in the capital...

How sun, salt and glass could help solve our energy needs

High in the stark Nevada desert, a couple of hundred miles north-west of Las Vegas, is the shimmering circular mirage of Crescent Dunes. Ten thousand silvery glass panels, each measuring 115 square...

IEA data shows global energy production and consumption continue to rise

Reflecting the IEA’s increasingly global perspective, for the first time the Agency’s OECD and non-OECD Energy Balances and Statistics reports have been merged into two comprehensive global reports on energy data. World...

Revealed: Vatican Bank Officials Tied to Fossil Fuels

Two Vatican Bank board members have financial links to the fossil fuels industry, with one reported to have donated to a leading climate sceptic organisation, according to an Energydesk investigation. The news comes...

Energy Department Announces $15 Million to Advance Algae-based Biofuels and Bioproducts

The Energy Department of USA announced on Friday, up to $15 million for three projects aimed at reducing the production costs of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts through improvements in algal biomass yields....

A Thirst for Power: The Water-Energy Nexus

We all know that when you mix water and electricity, the results are shocking, but there’s an important connection between the two that goes beyond the potential for bathroom tragedy. But here’s what’s...

Report Shows that Renewable Energy Smashes Global Records in 2015

An upsurge in new wind, solar and hydro plants and capacity saw renewable energy smash global records last year, according to a report on new supply. Some 147 Gigawatts of renewable electricity came...

Ireland Targets Big Energy Savings in Schools, Hospitals and Local Government Services

Ireland has set itself a tough energy efficiency target. The country is aiming to achieve energy savings of 33% compared to the overall EU target of 27% by 2030. To do this, the...



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