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Kula wind power plant to start delivering electricity, works at La Piccolina launched

MK-Fintel Wind’s 9.9 MW project in Serbia’s northwest will soon complete its test drive, started in late February. Ivan Stanisavljević, project manager, told Balkan Green Energy News the operator will start delivering...

IEA and Thailand launch Thailand Energy Information Centre in Bangkok

The International Energy Agency (IEA) and Thailand today launched a centre to consolidate high-quality, accurate and comprehensive energy information. Thailand’s Vice Minister of Energy, Nattipon Kanokchot, and IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol...

England’s green power: East Riding best for wind while Cornwall tops solar

Analysis by Green Alliance has mapped onshore wind turbines and solar panel installations for the first time. The East Riding of Yorkshire is England’s top area for producing wind power, a new...

Carbon emissions highest in 66 million years, since dinosaur age

The rate of carbon emissions is higher than at any time in fossil records stretching back 66 million years to the age of the dinosaurs, according to a study on Monday that...

EU invests €217 million in energy infrastructure

Member States agreed on a Commission proposal to invest €217 million in key trans-European energy infrastructure projects, mainly in Central and South Eastern Europe. In total, 15 projects were selected following a...

China pushes for mandatory integration of renewable power

China has ordered power transmission companies to provide grid connectivity for all renewable power generation sources and end a bottleneck that has left a large amount of clean power idle, the country's...

Decoupling of global emissions and economic growth confirmed

IEA analysis shows energy-related emissions of CO2 stalled for the second year in a row as renewable energy surged. Global energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2) – the largest source of man-made greenhouse...

Towards Energy Union: The Commission presents sustainable energy security package

The Commission on 16th of February presented its energy security package with necessary proposals to equip the EU for global energy transition as well as to be prepared for possible energy supply...

Turkey hits historic gas consumption record in January

Turkey's monthly natural gas consumption reached a historic record high at 5.78 billion cubic meters (bcm) in January 2016, according to data from Turkish Energy Watchdog. In January 2016, 5.78 bcm of...

Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies

Back in the early 1970s, Denmark got almost all its energy from imported oil. Then came the oil crisis, which, naturally, had a big impact. Political discussions throughout the '80s resulted in...

EU grants support to Albania–Macedonia power link

At the Western Balkans Investment Summit, in the presence of all regional prime ministers, the European Union confirmed its intention to provide a EUR 12 million grant to support construction of the...

Plug-In electric car sales for February: winter doldrums continue

As in previous years, the dog days of January and February were not kind to electric-car sales this year. Both 2014 and 2015 saw the lowest number of plug-in cars sold in...

UNIDO supports creation of Mesoamerican Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency

The General Secretariat of the Central American Integration System (SG-SICA) and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) today announced last week a strategic partnership on the creation of a Mesoamerican Centre...

India introduces car sales tax to combat pollution

India has introduced a new tax on car sales aimed at helping fight high levels of air pollution and congestion. The surprise move, announced by the finance minister, Arun Jaitley, is a...

Zumtobel moving project bureau to Serbia

Prime minister Aleksandar Vučić met Ulrich Schumacher, chief executive of Zumtobel Group AG, supplier of integral lighting solutions, to discuss further successful cooperation and investment prospects. The Austrian company decided to move...

Sri Lanka Targets 100% Renewable Energy Share By 2030

Sri Lanka has given indications it intends to significantly increase the share of renewable energy in its electricity generation by the end of the next decade. Secretary to the Ministry of National...



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