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Australia’s Momentum Continues to Build Toward Renewable Energy Target

Australia’s Clean Energy Council insists momentum continues to build for the country’s renewable energy sector as it progresses toward its 2020 Renewable Energy Target. According to a new analysis of the progress of Australia’s...

Never Give Up

RENEXPO® Water Management will be held from 06th to 08th June 2016 in Holiday Inn Hotel, in Belgrade. Therefore, we interviewed Mrs Myriam Fridman Dobrota, who has been preparing with REECO team numerous...

ABB is Ready for the Grand Opening

The Gotthard base tunnel in Switzerland will be officially inaugurated with an international ceremony presided over by the Swiss Government. At this and the public celebration that will follow, ABB will showcase...

The Green Week’s Second Day – Ensuring the Future of our Countryside 

Tuesday explored why we need to invest in our countryside. Participants across Europe shared ideas on how to make sure our countryside stays healthy and productive in the long term. Early morning took...

ALEKSANDRA MLADENOVIC: Business sector does not like “green” stories very much

Sustainable development implies balance between the consumption of natural resources and the ability to restore natural systems. There is no precise definition, even in the dictionaries at the beginning of the 20th...

Yesterday at Green Week

Day 1 – Kicking off Green Week 2016!   Monday focussed on investing for greener cities. People came together across Europe to explore how investing in making our cities more sustainable can make them...

Ireland Targets Big Energy Savings in Schools, Hospitals and Local Government Services

Ireland has set itself a tough energy efficiency target. The country is aiming to achieve energy savings of 33% compared to the overall EU target of 27% by 2030. To do this, the...

Green World Conferences Announce 3rd Annual HydroTech Albania Conference and Exibition

Green World Conferences are pleased to announce that 3rd annual HydroTech Albania conference and exhibition will be held on 22-23 February 2017 in Tirana Business Park. HydroTech Albania is the only event focusing on Albania’s hydro energy...

Sweden Phases out Fossil Fuels in Attempt to Run Completely off Renewable Energy

Sweden's prime minister announced his country will work towards becoming 'one of the first fossil fuel-free welfare states of the world'. Renewables account for over half of Sweden's energy, while the UK has...

Cornwall Feels the Force of Community Energy

Towns and villages will be helped to take control of their own energy systems as part of Cornish devolution. Cornwall Council is supporting communities to develop plans to take control of local energy...

BRANKO DUNJIC: The Best and the Most Successful Companies have Integrated Principles of Clean Production in the Basis of Their Business

UNIDO (United Nations Development Organization) is the United Nation’s specialised agency that promotes sustainable industrial development. UNIDO encourages the reduction of poverty in developing countries, as well as development of economy in...

IEA urges Belgium to take a long-term approach to energy policy

Belgium should adopt a national long-term energy strategy without delay, the International Energy Agency (IEA) said today, stressing that such a plan was required to respond to the challenge of decarbonising the...

Number 3 – May 2016

Investments in environmental projects, especially in pollute the environment clean, environmentally friendly technologies represent with their operation. priorities that have been identified in the Republic Investors undertake of Serbia’s strategic documents, such...

UK’s proposed nuclear plant is one of the costliest things on Earth

Nuclear power has been around for decades, but it still isn't cheap... in fact, it may result in one of the most expensive objects on the planet. Cost estimates for the UK's...

Paris Agreement signing ceremony in New York – the EU calls for swift ratification

The signing ceremony, convened by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, follows the adoption of the world's first universal climate change agreement by 195 countries in Paris on 12 December 2015. The European Union...

Official COP21 passenger car

With great pleasure, it was announced that Renault-Nissan Alliance was the official partner of COP 21 in Paris. Thanks to Alliance’s fleet, consisted of 100% electric vehicles, we could contribute to our...



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