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Four Key Climate Change Indicators Break Records in 2021

Four key climate change indicators – greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise, ocean heat and ocean acidification – set new records in 2021. This is yet another clear sign that human activities...

USD 43 Million Boost for Developing Countries’ Efforts to Reverse Species Loss

With global biodiversity loss at dangerous levels, 139 countries have received a lifeline to fast-track efforts to conserve, protect and restore species and ecosystems as soon as a new global accord currently...

Berlin Pushes For a 60 Euros Minimum Price on EU Carbon Markets

Discounting allegations of speculation on the EU carbon market, Berlin is throwing its weight behind a minimum price of 60 euros per ton of CO2, saying it will ensure this through national...

Why we Need Global Cooperation on Decarbonizing Cities and Real Estate

In an increasingly challenging and volatile world, the urgent need to decarbonize real estate remains a constant. There are no quick fixes that will suddenly transform today’s energy inefficient buildings into models of...

WindEurope 2022 in Bilbao: helping Europe deliver energy security

The WindEurope annual event begins today in Bilbao. His Majesty the King of Spain will open it with the President of the Basque Government, Ministers from around Europe and top officials from...

We Lose One Species on Earth almost Every Hour

Last Saturday in center of Zagreb, the attention of passers-by is captured by a clock whose alarm rings to wake up the whole human race. Every hour counts down and warns of the fact...

New Report: Is the Solution to Water Crises Hiding Right Under Our Feet?

Groundwater accounts for 99 percent of all liquid freshwater on Earth. However, this natural resource is often poorly understood and consequently undervalued, mismanaged and even abused. According to the latest edition of...

Earth Hour – A Moment for Solidarity

Every year, at 8:30 pm on the last Saturday of March, millions of people across the world show their support for our planet, raising awareness of nature loss and climate change—the two...

Emerging Evidence Suggests COVID-19 Was Worsened by Air Pollution

As science reveals more and more links between air pollution and the effects of COVID-19, the pressure is mounting on the European Commission to set high ambitions in the upcoming revision of...

What is the Sixth Mass Extinction and What Can We Do About It?

A mass extinction is a short period of geological time in which a high percentage of biodiversity, or distinct species—bacteria, fungi, plants, mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, invertebrates—dies out. In this definition, it’s...

ABB to Automate Bioplastics Plant to Help Meet the Growing Global Demand for Sustainable Materials

ABB has been awarded a major contract by NatureWorks, the world’s leading manufacturer of polylactic acid (PLA), a low-carbon bioplastic made from renewable agricultural resources, to automate their new, greenfield plant in...

As Climate Changes, World Grapples With a Wildfire Crisis

Whether it’s the Australian coast or the rainforests of Brazil, unrestrained wildfires – shrouded by black smoke and punctuated by the crackle of burning vegetation – have laid waste to some of...

Climate Change is Changing Biodiversity as we Know It

Researchers simulated the warmer, wetter conditions predicted for northern Europe under climate change, by locally heating agricultural fields by 1.5 ºC and increasing irrigation by 40 percent. These conditions immediately lead to...

Climate Change: A Threat to Human Wellbeing and Health of the Planet.

Human-induced climate change is causing dangerous and widespread disruption in nature and affecting the lives of billions of people around the world, despite efforts to reduce the risks. People and ecosystems least...

WWF Has Launched a Regional Campaign “Love It or Lose It”

On Valentine's Day, WWF has launched a regional campaign called "Love It or Lose It", declaring 2022 a key year to show our love for nature, upon which all humanity depends. In line...

Drawing Disaster-Preparedness Lessons From Tonga’s Volcano

The massive volcanic eruption off the coast of Tonga on 15 January produced a blast hundreds of times the strength of the Hiroshima nuclear explosion, according to NASA. The volcano and subsequent tsunami...



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