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Arctic Experienced 2nd Warmest Year & Lowest Winter Sea Ice Extent On Record In 2017

The Arctic region experienced its second-warmest year (by air temperature) and its lowest winter sea ice extent on record in 2017, according to the 12th edition of NOAA’s Arctic Report Card. The peer-reviewed...

Arctic Report Card 2017: Ice Cover Is Shrinking Faster Compared With Prior 1,500 Years

The 2017 Arctic Report Card reflects contributions from 85 scientists representing 12 countries. The pace of sea ice area (hereafter extent) decrease is unprecedented over the past 1,500 years, according to Emily...

Climate Change May Shift Wind Sources From North To South By End Of Century

By the end of this century, global climate change may impact the wind resources in many regions of the Northern Hemisphere, decreasing hotspots in the North but increasing hotspots in the Southern...

New Climate Study: Most Severe Warming Projections Are Now the Most Likely

Global warming, under the notorious "business-as-usual scenario" in which humans go on burning fossil fuels to power economic growth, could by 2100 be at least 15 percent warmer than the worst UN...

Why Remote Antarctica Is so Important in a Warming World

Ever since the ancient Greeks speculated a continent must exist in the south polar regions to balance those in the north, Antarctica has been popularly described as remote and extreme. Over the...

Mixed Forests Are Healthier, But Can They Survive Climate Change?

German researchers have confirmed once again that a good forest is a mixed forest, a natural one, with a diversity of species. The more diverse the forest, the better it becomes at...

Denver Becomes Latest City to Require Green Roofs

Denver is the latest city to mandate rooftop gardens or solar installations on new, large buildings, joining San Francisco, New York, Paris, London and other cities around the world with similar green...

Scientists: Strategic Crop Growth Based on Climate Change Could Feed 825 Million More

Scientists in the U.S. and Italy have worked out a strategy to feed an extra 825 million people—by rearranging where crops are grown. Their new menu for the global table could serve...

2017 Set to Rank as One of the Hottest Years Ever Recorded

Global temperature records look likely to be smashed once again this year, with 2017 on course to be one of the three hottest years on record, according to the World Meteorological Organisation...

Atmospheric Methane Levels Rose Rapidly In 2016, Scientists Claim To Not Understand Why

Atmospheric methane levels rose fairly rapidly in 2016, as did atmospheric carbon dioxide levels (which saw the yearly average rise up to 403.3 parts per million), according to a new report from...

Climate Change Already Damaging Health of Millions Globally, Report Finds

The health of hundreds of millions of people around the world is already being damaged by climate change, a major report has revealed. Heatwaves are affecting many more vulnerable people and global warming...

September 2017: Earth’s 4th Warmest September on Record

September 2017 was the planet's fourth warmest September since record keeping began in 1880, said the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) and NASA this week....

More Than 100 Schools Sign on to Teach Health Risks of Climate Change

The Global Consortium on Climate and Health Education (GCCHE) today announced that, since its launch earlier this year, 125 health professions schools and programs around the world have joined and committed to...

New Study: Global Warming Limit Can Still Be Achieved

Scientists in the UK have good news for the 195 nations that pledged to limit global warming to well below 2°C: it can be done. The ideal limit of no more than...

Ambitious 1.5C Paris Climate Target is Still Possible, New Analysis Shows

The highly ambitious aim of limiting global warming to less than 1.5C remains in reach, a new scientific analysis shows. The 1.5C target was set as an aspiration by the global Paris climate...

Asia’s Glaciers to Shrink by a Third by 2100, Threatening Water Supply of Millions

Asia’s mountain glaciers will lose at least a third of their mass through global warming by the century’s end, with dire consequences for millions of people who rely on them for fresh...



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