Search results for:animals

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What Is the True Cost of Eating Meat

Food and farming is one of the biggest economic sectors in the world. We are no longer in the 14th century, when as much as 76% of the population worked in agriculture...

Climate Change Threatens Kelp Forests With Invasions of Weeds

The devastating consequences climate change is already having on coral reefs is well known, but now scientists have discovered that yet another unique marine ecosystem is threatened by rising carbon dioxide levels.A...

Disney Announces New 50 Megawatt Solar Project To Power Two Theme Parks

Walt Disney World Resort has announced that it is partnering with solar project developer Origis Energy USA to develop a new 50 megawatt (MW) that will power two of its four theme...

New Satellite Could Help Rat Out Methane Polluters

As greenhouse gases go, methane is a heavy hitter – one with a heat-trapping ability 25 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the course of a century. As the second-most abundant...

Victory! ‘InStyle’ Is First Major Fashion Magazine to Ban Fur

In another landmark victory for animals, InStyle has become the first major fashion magazine to ban fur from its pages. In an announcement posted to Instagram, Editor in Chief Laura Brown said that...

Coffee’s Environmental Footprint Should Be Harder to Swallow Than Dubious Cancer Claims

Coffee is not only my favorite drink, it's a necessity (I get headaches from caffeine withdrawal). Even after a California judge decided this week that coffee should come with a cancer warning,...

Stop Whining that Your Plastic Straws Are Disappearing

The war on plastic waste is in full swing, and plastic straws appear to be the fiFplasricrst to fall. You’d think these ubiquitous tubes of plastic would be easily vanquished: they’re one...

EPA Releases Strategy to Reduce Animal Testing on Vertebrates

We know that not only are there ethical concerns about animal testing, but also that using animals for medical research can be ineffective and unreliable. The EPA is doing something about it. Animal...

Jellyfish Chips Are the Future of Junk Food

Jellyfish are not exactly the centerpiece of most people’s ideal meals. The umbrella-shaped animals are slimy, tasteless, and can be extremely poisonous. But a population boom and the need to reduce meat —...

Campaign to Create World’s Largest Sanctuary in Antarctic Ocean Gains Momentum

Greenpeace's ship Arctic Sunrise is on its way to Antarctica, where the crew on board will be the first humans ever to visit the seafloor in the Weddell Sea. The three-month expedition will...

World’s Coral Reefs Reaching The Point Of No Return

The vast majority of the world’s coral reefs are now reaching the point of no return — the point at which it wouldn’t even theoretically be possible to save them from disappearing...

Scotland Moves to Ban Plastic Cotton Buds

The Scottish government has today revealed new plans to become the first UK country to ban the manufacture and sale of plastic cotton buds, one of the most common pieces of litter...

Organic Farming Could Feed the World, But…

The United Nations estimates the global population will reach more than 9 billion by 2050, and, by some estimates, agricultural output will have to increase by 50 percent to feed all of...

Ice Will Return but Extinctions Can’t Be Reversed. We Must Act now

We have to develop digital forecasts of species’ responses to climate change, design robust strategies to protect as many as possible, and help nature to adapt. Each day increasingly dangerous hurricanes, wildfires, and...

Scientists Discover Plants Respond to Anesthetics — Which Could End Animal Testing

Researchers have found that plants react to anesthesia the same way that humans and animals do. This could allow plants to be used in place of animals for anesthetic drug testing. First used...

Republican Tax Bill Presents Grave Threat to Alaska’s Tribal Groups

For tribal people in northern Alaska, a Republican tax overhaul that was hastily cobbled together in congressional backrooms 3,000 miles away has raised fears that their entire way of life could be...



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