Search results for:Red Sea

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Can EU Mining Waste Regulations Address the Challenges of Increased Mining?

In an effort to reduce its reliance on the import of critical raw materials, which are essential for various industries, including technology, energy, and automotive, Europe plans to increase mining in the...

Climate change transforms Pacific Islands

A triple whammy of accelerating sea level rise, ocean warming and acidification is imperilling Pacific Islands, which face growing threats to their socioeconomic viability and indeed their very existence because of climate...

Accelerated Growth Trend of Solar Capacities

The prevailing stance in expert circles today regarding solar energy is undeniably positive. Particular emphasis is placed on its achieved technological maturity and the most rapid growth trend compared to other renewable...

A 600-Year-Old Coral Records Changes in Pacific Ocean Temperatures

Global warming is affecting the increase in sea and ocean temperatures, leaving its mark on underwater life. One such coral in Fiji, over 600 years old, has recorded how the temperatures of...

The RES SERBIA 2024 Conference Announces new Investments for a Greener Serbia

Which wind and solar power plants will participate in auctions for market premiums, how European manufacturers of wind generators, solar panels and other equipment are fighting with competition from China, and what...

How an Innovative Liquid Removes 98 Percent of Nanoplastics from Water

After a piece of plastic enters a water system, such as a sea, ocean, river, or lake, it undergoes degradation due to the influence of sunlight, wind, and water. A large piece breaks...

From Banana Waste to Clean Energy

Every year, millions of tons of agricultural waste are produced in Pakistan due to the cultivation of bananas and other crops. To utilize this waste and benefit the local population, scientists have...

When the Sun Charges Batteries

The signal that my battery is empty triggers a panic attack, which starts with an almost hysterical search for a charger, and then for the nearest available outlet. Now, imagine that feeling on...

PV Power Plants on Flat Roofs

Designing and planning rooftop PV plants is one of the most challenging steps towards the realization of your dreams of having green energy produced by sunlight. Hardly any rooftop project is more...

Rostock: Regional Development With Wind Energy

Wind energy brings jobs and value creation to deprived rural and coastal communities. Eastern Germany is a classic example of a region that has benefited. WindEurope saw this first hand on a...

From Glass Waste to Construction Material

The fact that there is room for innovation in the construction material industry is evidenced by the company Fragment from Čačak. Its founders, Marija Marković and Pavle Milošević, patented a revolutionary construction...

July Sets New Temperature Records

Extreme heat hit hundreds of millions of people throughout July, with a domino effect felt right across society. July was one of the hottest - if not the hottest - month on...

Climate Anxiety – How Seriously Should it be Taken and How to Deal With it?

Daily media reports bring news of extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, loss of biodiversity as well as growing concerns about food security and numerous other adverse situations facing humanity. The reactions to...

Giant Clams – Master Engineers of Solar Energy and Efficiency

It is well known that answers to many questions can often be found in nature. Have you ever heard that there are natural solar systems that can serve as examples of efficient...

How Modern Aircraft Flights Affect the Climate

The aviation industry faces significant challenges due to climate change, prompting continuous efforts to find innovations and improve existing technologies. However, the complexity of various impacts on accelerating climate change leads to...

Night Light – Cause of More Resistant Tree Leaves and Biodiversity Loss

Light pollution, a pressing ecological issue that currently affects over 80 per cent of the world's population, is a topic of urgent concern. Despite this, the full extent of its impact on...



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