Search results for:Global warming

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6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

Low-Emission Cows: Farming Responds to Climate Warning

Farmers are ‘up for radical thought’ following bad harvests due to extreme weather, NFU says. From low-emission cows to robotic soil management, the farming industry will have to explore new approaches in the...

Historic Climate Ruling Upheld by Dutch Appeals Court

A Dutch appeals court upheld a historic climate liability ruling Tuesday, affirming that the Dutch government has to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent by 2020 compared with 1990 levels, The Associated...

UN Climate Panel: Emissions Must Fall Rapidly by 2030 to Prevent Catastrophic Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released its highly anticipated report Sunday on what needs to be done to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. The answer: social and technological change...

Climate Change Economists Win Nobel Prize

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced the 2018 Nobel Prize in Economics to a duo for their work on how the world can achieve sustainable growth. The prize was divided equally to...

We Have 12 years to Limit Climate Change Catastrophe, Warns UN

The world’s leading climate scientists have warned there is only a dozen years for global warming to be kept to a maximum of 1.5C, beyond which even half a degree will significantly...

London ‘Among Cities Sinking into the Sea’

Christian Aid says climate change means coastal cities are becoming more vulnerable to flooding. London is among the cities sinking into the oceans as climate change raises global sea levels. That’s according to a new report from...

Valuable Wetlands Are Disappearing 3 Times Faster Than Forests, New Study Warns

Wetlands around the world are disappearing at an alarming rate. New research shows that these valuable ecosystems are vanishing at a rate three times that of forests. Unless significant changes are made,...

Build Walls on Seafloor to Stop Glaciers Melting, Scientists Say

Barriers could halt slide of undersea glaciers and hold back sea level rises predicted to result from global warming. Building walls on the seafloor may become the next frontier of climate science, as...

Greenpeace Report: Europe Has 10 Years Left to Ditch Fossil Fuel Cars

Europe must phase out the sales of new gasoline- and diesel-fueled cars by 2028 if it wants to live up to its Paris climate agreement emissions-reduction pledges, according to new research by...

Cities Around the World Lay the Groundwork for a Zero-Waste Future

Cities around the world are pledging to reduce waste over the next 12 years in an effort to curb global warming and eventually become zero-waste cities. During the Global Climate Action Summit,...

Sweden’s Reindeer at Risk of Starvation After Summer Drought

Sweden’s indigenous Sami reindeer herders are demanding state aid to help them cope with the impact of this summer’s unprecedented drought and wildfires, saying their future is at risk as global warming...

Japan Considers Adopting Daylight Savings Time for 2020 Summer Olympics

This summer’s deadly heatwaves in Japan have caused government and Olympic officials to consider the benefits of adopting daylight savings time for the 2020 Summer Olympics to ensure athlete safety. Prime Minister...

Forests Storing Greenhouse Gases ‘Crucial to Tackling Climate Change’

UK scientists say replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon could instead increase the amount of emissions. Carbon capture technologies will help curb the world’s efforts to tackle climate...

World’s Largest King Penguin Colony Collapses by almost 90% in Space of 35 years

Number of pairs has fallen from 500,000 in the 1980s, to just 60,000 by 2017. The world’s largest colony of king penguins has collapsed by almost 90 per cent over the last 35...

Climate Change Linked with Increased Suicide Rates

Climate change is likely to cause thousands of additional suicides in coming decades as the earth’s temperature soars, according to a new study. Global warming has already been implicated in the spread of diseases...



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