Search results for:the energy crisis

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Safari Under Our Feet

They are certainly not the cutest creatures, and it is true that they can cause a lot of fear and distress in many, despite their size. It is an understatement that they...

WWF to Croatian Members of EP: Vote Down the “Fake Green” Taxonomy

In a few weeks’ time, the EU could classify nuclear power and fossil gas as ‘sustainable’. More specifically, the EU is about to sign off on a list of "green" investments as...

The Interlinked Threats Facing Lakes and Why we Need to Protect Them

Across the world, lakes fed by rivers, glacial melt, groundwater and rain have played an important role in human civilization and development. They contain 90 percent of the fresh water on the...

Top 10 OTP Banka Generator Zero Carbon Footprint Reduction Projects Selected

Hemp bioplastics production system, mobile application for prevention and reducing household food waste, self-sustainable greenhouses or biotic material as a substitute for styrofoam are just some of the innovative solutions that have...

Stockholm+50 Closes With Call for Urgent Environmental, Economic Transformation

Hundreds of speakers attending Stockholm+50, have called for real commitment to urgently address global environmental concerns and for a just transition to sustainable economies that work for all people. The two-day international meeting concluded...

REPowerEU: A Plan to Rapidly Reduce Dependence on Russian Fossil Fuels and Fast Forward the Green Transition

The European Commission has presented the REPowerEU Plan, its response to the hardships and global energy market disruption caused by war in Ukraine. There is a double urgency to transform Europe's energy system: ending the...

Slovenia’s Largest Solar Power Plant Opens Near Hrastnik

The state-owned power utility HSE launched on Friday a 3.036-megawatt solar power plant in a rehabilitated and closed section of the Prapretno landfill near Hrastnik. The largest facility of the kind in...

EBRD Supports Critical Infrastructure in Zagreb with EUR 50 million Loan

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) is providing a EUR 50 million loan to the City of Zagreb, the capital of Croatia and its largest city, to support its vital...

Greenpeace: We need #CleanAirNow

Air pollution is the root cause of many serious health problems. During the week of World Health Day, from April 7 – April 10, citizens around the world took to the streets...

Speed Up Green Transition to Break From Russian Fossil Fuels, Say 11 EU Countries

Europe must speed up the rollout of renewable energy and energy efficiency measures in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, according to eleven EU countries. The invasion of Ukraine put a spotlight on Europe’s...

Record Heat Sends Sea Ice Into Retreat, Worrying Scientists

The recent collapse of a 1,100km2 ice shelf in Antarctica came at a time of record high temperatures and is a symptom of a planet in a climate crisis, experts say.   The...

Renewables Take Lion’s Share of Global Power Additions in 2021

Renewable energy continued to expand steadily and well above the long-term trend, with share in total capacity expansion reaching a new record of 81 percent last year. New data released by the International...

The Great Barrier Reef is Suffering its 4th Mass Bleaching Event Since 2016 – here’s What That Means

It’s official: the Great Barrier Reef is suffering its fourth mass bleaching event since 2016. We dived into the reef on March 28 and saw the unfolding crisis firsthand. Descending beneath the surface...

Green Cooling – Tackling Climate Change With Eco-Friendly Technology

Natural refrigerants protect the environment and the climate. In Latin America and the Caribbean, they are replacing existing products that harm the climate.With ever longer cold chains, the global movement of goods...

Director Lorkowski Urges Reforms to Ensure the Electricity Sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina is Ready for CBAM

Director Lorkowski delivered opening remarks at the Energy Summit in Neum this week. In his speech, he underlined that the current global energy crisis strengthened the case for a rapid energy transition...

SEEGAS Addresses Vulnerabilities to Gas Disruptions in South-East Europe   

Gas stakeholders underlined that coordinated actions and measures were the best response to ensure the stability of the regional gas system following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The meeting under the South-East European...



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