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Latest Evaluation Shows Europe’s Nature in Serious, Continuing Decline

A majority of EU wide protected species, such as the Saker Falcon and the Danube Salmon, and habitats from grasslands to dunes across Europe, face an uncertain future unless more is urgently...

World Food Day: How Soon Will We Be Eating Lab-Grown Meat?

Feeding 10 billion mouths in 2050 poses a big challenge for the food industry. Doing that while also reducing carbon emissions enough to save the planet on which we depend for our...

Impact of COVID-19 on People’s Livelihoods, Their Health and Our Food Systems

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide and presents an unprecedented challenge to public health, food systems and the world of work. The economic and social...

Humans Destroyed an Ecosystem the Size of Mexico in just 13 years

Between 2000 and 2013, Earth lost an area of undisturbed ecosystems roughly the size of Mexico. That's the mind-melting finding of a new study published in One Earth and the researchers say it...

A Higher-Yield Rice Variety Moves Madagascar Further on the Path to Self-Sufficiency

Madagascar has a rich history of rice cultivation. Outside of Asia, Madagascar has the longest tradition of rice production, and this staple is cultivated in almost all districts of the country. For...

EBRD to Improve Water Supply in Banja Luka

The 200,000-strong population of Banja Luka, the second largest city in Bosnia and Herzegovina, is to enjoy  better water supply and wastewater collection thanks to a loan of up to €6 million provided by the...

Tourism Brings Us Together and Travel Restrictions Keep Us Apart

More importantly, restrictions on travel also prevent tourism from delivering on its potential to build a better future for all.This week the United Nations Secretary-General launched the Policy Brief “COVID-19 and Transforming...

Cities – Where the Fight for a Green Recovery Will Be Won or Lost

Cities are home to 55 per cent of the world’s population, all jammed together cheek-by-jowl. Little wonder, then, that cities are being hit hardest by COVID-19: an estimated 90 per cent of...

Polar Bears Could Be Nearly Gone by 2100, Study Finds

A new study has found that polar bears could be gone by 2100 unless greenhouse gas emissions are reduced. Rising global temperatures, due to carbon emissions, have caused large amounts of...

10 Things You Should Know About Industrial Farming

There was a time when industrial agriculture seemed to be a panacea for a fast-growing world.  Synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and high-yield cereal hybrids promised to reduce hunger, accommodate growing populations and...

The Next Wave – How to Beat Future Pandemics

Ebola, SARS, Zika, HIV/AIDS, West Nile fever and now COVID-19. These are some of the highest-profile diseases to emerge in the last several decades. And while they emerged in different parts of...

Iceland, a World Leader in Clean Energy, Supports Africa’s Push for Geothermal Power

At the beginning of the 20th century, Iceland was one of Europe's poorest countries, its people relying on a precarious and polluting mix of imported coal and local peat for electricity.But over...

Shenzhen Gives Residents Incentives To Buy Electric Vehicles

The city of Shenzhen in China has long been an electric vehicle leader. Its bus fleet went 100% electric in 2017, and its taxi fleet followed in 2018. Now, it is pushing...

Diego, Key to Saving His Species, Returns Home After More Than 80 Years

After a five-hour journey by boat and an inland journey on a ranger´s backpack, Diego, the giant tortoise who helped save his species from extinction, finally arrived his native Española Island, in...

Protection of Seagrasses Key to Building Resilience to Climate Change, Disasters

Seagrass meadows can be a powerful nature-based climate solution and help sustain communities hard-hit by stressors such as the COVID-19 pandemic, but these important ecosystems continue to decline. The importance of seagrasses...

Come Rain or Shine May the CEEFOR-ce Be With You

According to the Institute for Energy Research, demand for fossil fuels globally skyrocketed during 2018, triggering a consequent increase in carbon dioxide emissions, despite the significant share of renewables in the planet’s...



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