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6 Things You Can Do to Avoid Climate Catastrophe

We've already warmed the world about 1 degree Celsius (1.8 degrees Fahrenheit) since pre-industrial times—with disastrous effects. Sea levels are rising, coral reefs are dying, species are going extinct and extreme weather...

Planting More Trees Won’t Be Enough to Save the Planet

One way of mitigating the adverse effects of man-made climate change is to plant trees. The more trees there are, the more CO2 they absorb from the atmosphere, thereby alleviating the greenhouse...

Lego Says It Will Eliminate Plastic by 2030

In children’s playrooms and family living room floors around the world, small plastic blocks are a staple. In today’s world, Lego is synonymous with plastic. For this reason, the recent news from...

A New Phone Battery Could One Day Recharge Itself on CO2

Ah, those lithium batteries in our phones. They tend to go flat just when we need them most. Then again, that’s Murphy’s law for you, isn’t it? Encouragingly, lithium-ion batteries are getting...

Mazda Commits to Making 5% of Cars Fully Electric by 2030

The firm expects the majority of its cars to be hybrids by this time. Mazda commits to 5% of its vehicles going electric by 2030. The car manufacturer says all of the vehicles it sells will...

Europe ‘Could Cut Energy-Related CO2 Emissions by 90% Before 2050’

Europe could cut energy-related carbon dioxide emissions by 90% by 2050, if it implements ambitious renewables-based electrification plans. That’s according to a new report from WindEurope, which says Europe should transition its industrial...

New Study Reconciles a Dispute About How Fast Global Warming Will Happen

Unfortunately, mainstream climate scientists are still right, and we’re running out of time to avoid dangerous global warming. We’re currently on pace to double the carbon dioxide-equivalent (including other greenhouse gases) in the...

Norway Becomes World’s First Country to Ban Deforestation

Norway has become the first country to ban deforestation. The Norwegian Parliament pledged May 26 that the government's public procurement policy will be deforestation-free.Any product that contributes to deforestation will not be...

Solar to Become Europe’s Most Competitive Energy by 2030

Solar will become the continent’s most competitive source of energy by 2020.That’s the verdict from Sun Investment Group, which suggests the elimination of the Minimum Import Price (MIP) allowing solar modules to...

Drought Increases CO2 Concentration in the Atmosphere, Say Researchers

The concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere rises faster during periods of drought as stressed ecosystems absorb less carbon. That’s according to new research, which found during the driest years such...

Air Pollution Shortens Human Life by One Year, on Average

In a summer marked by air quality alerts as wildfires rage in the western U.S., a study has been published finding that air pollution lowers the average lifespan by one year worldwide.The...

Fast-Melting Lakes Could Increase Permafrost Emissions 118 Percent

Scientists may need to more than double their assessment of how much carbon dioxide and methane thawing Arctic permafrost will release into the atmosphere this century, according to a study published this...

Trees Are Migrating West to Escape Climate Change

An individual tree has roots and, of course, it doesn't move. But trees, as a species, do move over time. They migrate in response to environmental challenges, especially climate change. Surprisingly, they...

Indonesia’s Deforestation Dropped 60 Percent in 2017

In the midst of the second-worst year for tropical tree cover loss in 2017, Indonesia saw an encouraging sign: a 60 percent drop in tree cover loss in primary forests compared with...

Forests Storing Greenhouse Gases ‘Crucial to Tackling Climate Change’

UK scientists say replacing forests with crops for bioenergy power stations that capture carbon could instead increase the amount of emissions. Carbon capture technologies will help curb the world’s efforts to tackle climate...

Last Year Was Warmest Ever That Didn’t Feature an El Niño, Report Finds

Last year was the warmest ever recorded on Earth that didn’t feature an El Niño, a periodic climatic event that warms the Pacific Ocean, according to the annual state of the climate...



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