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Report: Carbon Pricing Now Covers Up to a Quarter of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The adoption of carbon pricing policies around the world is accelerating and now covers between 20 and 25 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, according the Institute for Climate Economics (I4CE). However,...

Oslo To Add 70 Electric Buses By Summer Of 2019

Norway is proud of its reputation as a center for electric cars in Europe but until now, its public transportation fleet has not been as green as it might be. That will...

Walmart Plots Wind and Solar Surge as it Slashes Supply Chain Emissions

Walmart has unveiled plans to further expand its use of solar panels, wind farms and electric vehicle charge points as it reported progress in slashing greenhouse gas emissions across its global supply...

Claire Perry to Instruct Committee on Climate Change to Scope Net Zero Goal

UK Climate Minister says government will ask climate watchdog to consider how UK could meet 1.5C Paris target Later this year the UK government will formally ask its official climate experts, the Committee...

New Satellite Could Help Rat Out Methane Polluters

As greenhouse gases go, methane is a heavy hitter – one with a heat-trapping ability 25 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the course of a century. As the second-most abundant...

Climate Change Could Set Off Volcanoes

We can add volcanic eruptions to the list of potential climate change hazards. In a presentation at the European Geosciences Union General Assembly held from April 8 to 13, University of Clermont Auvergne...

China Joins World Green Building Council Community

China's Green Building Council has officially partnered with the World Green Building Council in a major boost to international efforts to curb the environmental impact of the building and construction sectors, the...

Melting Permafrost Emits More Methane Than Scientists Thought

Methane emissions are the source of the greenhouse gas which, after carbon dioxide, probably causes climatologists more sleepless nights than any of the other gases. And now it appears they have quite...

World’s Largest Desert Growing Even Larger, Partly Due to Climate Change

The Sahara Desert—which takes up about 3.6 million square miles of northern Africa—is growing ever larger, signaling daunting news for people living in the Sahel border region who stand to lose valuable...

Solar Power Energy Payback Time Is Now Super Short

Some solar power critics seem to enjoy trying to point out that the energy payback time for solar power is too long, and therefore this form of renewable energy is not valid....

Methane Meltdown: Thawing Permafrost Could Release More Potent Greenhouse Gas Than Expected

A study published in Nature Climate Change Monday shows that thawing permafrost in the Arctic might produce more methane than previously thought. Methane has 28 times the Global Warming Potential (GWP) of...

Report: Unchecked Climate Change Will Lead to Widespread Biodiversity Loss

The world will see enormous losses of biodiversity across all species groups on every continent by the end of this century if we do not make deep cuts to global greenhouse emissions,...

As The Glaciers Of The Swiss Alps Melt, Hydroelectric Firms Look Toward Wind Power

Over the coming decades, some of the rivers in Europe that utilize hydroelectric facilities to generate electricity are expected to see greatly reduced water flows due to the rapid disappearance of glaciers...

Temperature Rise over 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) Possible in 13 Global Cities in 2020s, Study Finds

Over just the next decade or so, 13 large global cities are facing temperature rises that could exceed 2° degrees Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit), according to a new report from the Urban Climate...

Thomas LUBECK, IFC: Tailwinds to the Financial Market

International Finance Corporation - IFC, one of the five members of the World Bank Group, is the world's largest institution that encourages economic development by investing in the private sector in emerging...

Wind & Solar Could Meet 80% Of US Electricity Demand

A new study from US researchers has shown that wind and solar power generation could reliably meet 80% of the country’s electricity demand, and 100% could be met by scaling up energy...



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