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Towards Clean and Smart Mobility

Transport plays a critical role in the way we live. Our food, clothes and household waste all need to be transported, contributing to our economy and quality of life. But the increasing...

Đukanović with KfW delegation: German bank said it would support road infrastructure

German Development Bank KfW invested resources that were used for priority development areas in Montenegro, said Prime Minister Milo Đukanović at the meeting with a delegation of this bank, lead by a...

700,000 solar panels have been installed on our facilities so far

The Prime Ministers of Sweden and Serbia confirmed that  IKEA  will  invest  300 million euros in Serbia by the end of the year at the World Economic Forum in Davos during January....

Japan’s Abandoned Golf Courses Are Being Transformed into Solar Power Farms

The Kyocera Corporation is transforming an abandoned golf course into a solar power farm, with ambition to partner and repeat the same sustainable work elsewhere in Japan. An abandoned and bankrupt golf course...

Morocco Bans Plastic Bags

Morocco has banned the production and use of plastic bags, with many shops and street sellers across the country having reportedly stocked-up last week ahead of the legislation coming into force on...

Environment and Security Initiative’s Support Towards Sustainable Development Goals and Green Economy in Focus of OSCE

The Environment and Security Initiative (ENVSEC) stakeholders discussed on 9th June  in Batumi how the Initiative can contribute to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and transition to green...

Financing the Future

In 2015, $286 billion was invested in renewable energy. That is an enormous sum of money by many measurements, but is it enough, and are we on track to meet the energy...

Solar Energy to Power India of the Future

The World Bank Group is moving to help India deliver on its unprecedented plans to scale up solar energy, from installing solar panels on rooftops to setting up massive solar parks. This...

The Paris Agreement Asks Businesses to Be Bold

Ahead of the historic climate negotiations in December at COP21, BSR and our partners at We Mean Business recognized that the Paris Agreement could be more than a diplomatic settlement among nations—that...

More than 5,300 U.S. Water Systems Violated Lead-Testing Rules Last Year

The report, which analyzed data from the Environmental Protection Agency, found that more than 18 million Americans are served by 5,363 water systems that in 2015 violated the federal rules governing lead...

Green Industry for Sustainable Cities

Titled “Green Industry for Sustainable Cities,” the fourth Green Industry Conference (GIC) is currently taking place in Ulsan, Republic of Korea from the 28th until the 30th of June. The Conference is...

Mexico, Canada, U.S. to Make Clean Power Pledge

The U.S., Mexico and Canada are expected to pledge Wednesday to collectively generate 50 percent of their electricity from zero-carbon sources by 2025, according to White House officials. The agreement is expected to...

Scientists Plead with Australia to Get Off Coal to Save the Great Barrier Reef

Coral reefs around the world are in a dire predicament, as warmer-than-usual waters are causing widespread bleaching and death among these crucial marine organisms. Now, more than 2,500 marine scientists and policy...

Which Are the World’s Most Environmentally Friendly Countries?

Nordic nations often appear at the top of rankings for the world’s greenest places, so the countries dominating Yale's Environmental Performance Index (EPI) will come as no surprise – with the exception...

Which countries have plans for all new cars to be electric, and when?

Plug-in electric cars currently make up a fairly small percentage of the millions of new vehicles sold globally. But within the next two decades, they may be the only new cars available...

Solar Impulse Arrives in Europe, Pointing the Way to the Future of Transportation

Seville, Spain, and Zurich, Switzerland, June 23, 2016 – Earlier yesterday, Solar Impulse, a groundbreaking solar aircraft, completed a 71-hour transatlantic flight from New York to Seville in the course of its...



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