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Costa Rica: Using mangroves to mitigate the impact of climate change

Costa Rica is ambitious when it comes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions: the Central American country aims to be carbon-neutral by 2021. This will be achieved with various projects, including one on...

Britain’s Last Coal Power Plants to Close by 2025

The last coal power station in Britain will be forced to close in 2025, the government has said as it laid out the detail of its plan to phase-out the polluting fossil...

Water resilience in Africa at forefront of COP22 agenda

Several African ministers in charge of water took part in a side event organised in the Moroccan pavilion yesterday during which they stressed the pertinence of putting water issues at the top...

Global ‘Greening’ Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere, Study Finds

A global “greening” of the planet has significantly slowed the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the start of the century, according to new research. More plants have been growing due...

Day 1 of Climate Talks: We Must ‘Change the Course of Two Centuries of Carbon-Intense Development’

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off yesterday, just three days after the Paris climate change agreement entered into force. At the opening, Morocco's Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine...

Belgrade to set up Energy Efficiency Fund

The City of Belgrade will set up an Energy Efficiency Fund by the end of the first quarter of 2017, which will initiate a huge construction project, Mayor of Belgrade Sinisa Mali...

Scotland Generates Enough Wind Energy to Power Almost Every Household for an Entire Month

Wind turbines in Scotland provided enough electricity to supply the average needs of almost all Scotland's homes last month, according to a report. Data from WeatherEnergy showed turbines generated 792,717MWh of electricity to...

Indian Government Declares Delhi Air Pollution an Emergency

The Indian government has declared severe levels of toxic air pollution in Delhian “emergency situation” as administrators announce a plan to temporarily shut construction sites and a coal-fired power station to bring...

UK Climate Targets at Risk Without Government Support for Windfarms, Says Energy Boss

The UK’s climate targets are at risk if the government does not reverse its decision to end support for windfarms, the head of one of the Big Six energy companies has warned. Keith...

The Netherlands Will Spend 150 Million Euros to Turn Cow Poop Into Biogas

Dutch farmers now have the opportunity to turn cow manure into energy. Turning cow poop into power isn’t a new idea, but the Netherlands government is banking on poo being a potent...

US Vehicle Emissions Hit Record Low as Fuel Economy Climbs to Record High

The transportation sector accounts for 26 percent of all greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Recognizing the opportunity to reduce carbon pollution from vehicles to mitigate climate change, in 2012 the...

Your Carbon Footprint Destroys 30 Square Metres of Arctic Sea Ice a Year

The average westerner’s carbon emissions destroy 30 square metres of Arctic sea ice every year, according to new research. The work indicates that, even with current efforts to cut emissions, the Arctic will...

Paris Climate Change Agreement Enters Into Force

The Paris agreement on climate change enters into force on Friday, marking the first time that governments have agreed legally binding limits to global temperature rises. The passage of the accord – the...

New South Wales Unveils Plan to Reach Zero Emissions by 2050

The New South Wales government has launched an ambitious climate change policy that could see the state achieve zero emissions by 2050. On Thursday NSW’s environment minister, Mark Speakman, released draft plans for...

UK Coal-Powered Electricity Projected to Fall by Record Amount

The amount of electricity generated from UK coal power stations is on track to fall by two-thirds this year, a decline which analysts said was so steep and fast it was unprecedented...

IRENA: Offshore Wind Could Swell 650 Per Cent by 2030

Powered by falling costs and rapid technology improvements, offshore wind capacity could grow by more than 650 per cent in the next 15 years, according to new research released today by the...



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