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Urban Farming Key in Fight Against Hunger and Climate Change

The urban farms sprouting up and across cities around the world aren't just feeding mouths—they are "critical to survival" and a "necessary adaptation" for developing regions and a changing climate, according to...

Great Barrier Reef: 99% of These Sea Turtles Are Turning Female

A new study reveals increasing temperatures are turning green turtle populations almost completely female in the northern Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The Current Biology paper says the northern GBR population of more than...

Clean Technology Is an Exportation Leverage of the Greenest Country in the World

Having been investing in the health sector and environmental protection for decades, Finland is now highly ranked among the world’s leading countries with the most advanced standards of environmental protection and health...

Organic Farming Could Feed the World, But…

The United Nations estimates the global population will reach more than 9 billion by 2050, and, by some estimates, agricultural output will have to increase by 50 percent to feed all of...

Ice Will Return but Extinctions Can’t Be Reversed. We Must Act now

We have to develop digital forecasts of species’ responses to climate change, design robust strategies to protect as many as possible, and help nature to adapt. Each day increasingly dangerous hurricanes, wildfires, and...

Adnan Bosović: The Balkans Has to Keep up with Europe

Adnan Bosović, the electrical engineer and expert associate for the development of distributive, energy efficient facilities in the Sector for strategic development in PE Elektroprivreda BiH – Sarajevo, has explained to us...

Germany Predicted To Set Renewable Energy Record In 2017

Clean Energy Wire is reporting that renewables will account for 33% of Germany’s total electricity usage once all the numbers for 2017 are in. That’s up from 29% last year. The projections...

Brits to Throw Out 100 Million Plastic Straws and Cups this Christmas

New research has this week estimated that the British public will use almost 300 million plastic straws and cups over the festive party season, with a third of the resulting waste not...

3 Extreme Weather Events in 2016 ‘Could Not Have Happened’ Without Climate Change, Scientists Say

Three of 2016's extreme weather events would have been impossible without human-caused climate change, according to new research. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society published a collection of papers Wednesday focused on...

Jovana Mehandžić Đurđić: Free Charging of Electric Cars at IKEA

We have all heard of the Swedish giant IKEA - the world's leading retail chain with a wide range of home decor products. The main concept of IKEA involves developing products that...

Boston City Council Approves Plastic Bag Ban

You might want to bring a tote if you plan on shopping in Beantown next year. Boston City Council voted 12-0 on Wednesday to ban single-use plastic bags across the Massachusetts capital. The...

Increasing Ozone Pollution In Chinese Cities Raising Mortality Rates, Research Finds

The rising air pollution levels in many of China’s largest cities are having a pronouncedly negative effect on human health there. Though, that much has been known for quite a while now....

Soil Management: Key to Fighting Climate Change?

 An important tool for mitigating climate change may lie beneath our feet—soil management could increase our ability to keep carbon out of the atmosphere, a new study shows. A paper published last week...

UK Environment Department Using 1,400 Disposable Coffee Cups a Day

More than 2.5m disposable cups have been purchased by the UK's environment department for use in its restaurants and cafes over the past five years - equivalent to nearly 1,400 a day. The...

Soil Management: Key to Fighting Climate Change?

An important tool for mitigating climate change may lie beneath our feet—soil management could increase our ability to keep carbon out of the atmosphere, a new study shows. A paper published last week...

The Study from The University of Washington Showed – Petite Poplars are the Future of Biofuels

In the quest to produce affordable biofuels, poplar trees are one of the Pacific Northwest's best bets - the trees are abundant, fast-growing, adaptable to many terrains and their wood can be...



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