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Heatwaves Amplify Near-Record Levels of Ice Melt in Northern Hemisphere

The frozen extremities of the northern hemisphere are melting at a near-record rate as heatwaves buffet the Arctic, forest fires tear through Siberia and glaciers retreat on Greenland fjords and Alpine peaks.Unusually...

Massive Reforestation Is Key to Averting a Climate Catastrophe

Restoring the world’s forests on an unprecedented scale is “the best climate change solution available”, according to a new study. The researchers claim that covering 900m hectares of land – roughly the...

Heat Stress Could Destroy 80m Jobs and Cost $2.4bn a Year

An increase in heat stress at work linked to climate change is projected to cost the global economy the equivalent of $2.4 billion (£1.9bn) a year and lead to tens of millions...

Greenland Lost 2 Billion Tons of Ice This Week, Which Is Very Unusual

Over 40% of Greenland experienced melting Thursday, with total ice loss estimated to be more than 2 gigatons (equal to 2 billion tons) on just that day alone.While Greenland is a big...

Climate Crisis and Antibiotic Use Could ‘Sink’ Fish Farming Industry – Report

The climate crisis, drug use and feeding farmed fish with wild stocks risks “sinking” the $230bn (£180bn) aquaculture industry, according to an ethical investment network.Fish farms now surpass wild fisheries as the...

Climate Change ‘Is Already Fuelling Conflict in Africa’

The effects of climate change are fuelling conflict in Africa.That’s the verdict from Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt, who speaking in Nigeria on a 5-day visit to Africa this week, said the effects...

Greenland Is Melting Even Faster Than Experts Thought, Study Finds

Climate change is eliminating giant chunks of ice from Greenland at such a speed that the melt has already made a significant contribution to sea level rise, according to a new study....

Smart Homes and Smart Cities Do Not Mean Much Without Smart People

We talked to Professor Branislav Todorovic, Ph.D., about the air conditioning, heating and refrigeration sectors, and his project parameters used for calculation in all projects for heating and air conditioning in the...

‘Mosquito-Borne Diseases Will Spread as the Planet Heats Up’

Climate change means the entire planet could be at risk from mosquito-borne tropical diseases by the end of the century. That’s according to a new study from PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, which suggests...

‘More Frequent Rainfall Is Speeding Up Greenland’s Ice-Melt’

More frequent rainfall in Greenland is accelerating the melting of ice formations.That’s according to a new study published in scientific journal The Cryosphere, which suggests warmer temperatures mean precipitation is increasingly falling...

What Russia’s Green Snow Reveals About the Rise of Pollution

Don’t eat yellow snow has always been good advice. To that we can now add warnings against green, pink, orange and black snow, as new evidence of our trashing of the planet...

Insect Collapse: ‘We Are Destroying Our Life Support Systems’

Scientist Brad Lister returned to Puerto Rican rainforest after 35 years to find 98% of ground insects had vanished. “We knew that something was amiss in the first couple days,” said Brad Lister....

Fossil Fuels and Climate Denial Still Reign in Louisiana Despite Scientists’ Dire Warnings

Louisiana is ground zero for the devastating impacts of climate change. Even though the state is already feeling the costly impacts to life and property due to extreme weather and an eroding coastline linked to...

Tropics Could Face Six Climate Disasters at Once by 2100

In a year that saw record-breaking heat waves, record-breaking hurricanes and record-breaking wildfires, it's hard to imagine how the future could look any more like a disaster movie than the present. But that is exactly what...

Climate Change Is Making Hurricanes Even More Destructive, Research Finds

Hurricane rainfall could increase by a third and wind speeds boosted by up to 25 knots if global warming continues. Climate change worsened the most destructive hurricanes of recent years, including Katrina, Irma and...

2018 Likely to Rank as Fourth-Hottest Year on Record

After a summer of record-breaking heatwaves and devastating wildfires, 2018 is shaping up to be one of the planet's hottest years in recorded history. From January through September, the average global temperature was 1.39°F above the...



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