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G7 Members Have a Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Towards Electricity Sectors With Net Zero Emissions

G7 members are well placed to fully decarbonise their electricity supply by 2035, which would accelerate the technological advances and infrastructure rollouts needed to lead global energy markets towards net zero emissions...

Solving the Chicken and Egg Problem: Auctions for Green Hydrogen

Green hydrogen (hydrogen produced from renewable energy) has received increasing attention across the energy sector in recent years, given its capability to decarbonise ‘hard to abate’ sectors (such as steelmaking) and provide...

Hydropower Has a Crucial Role in Accelerating Clean Energy Transitions to Achieve Countries’ Climate Ambitions Securely

The growth of hydropower plants worldwide is set to slow significantly this decade, putting at risk the ambitions of countries across the globe to reach net-zero emissions while ensuring reliable and affordable...

Renewables are Stronger than Ever as They Power Through the Pandemic

Renewable sources of electricity such as wind and solar grew at their fastest rate in two decades in 2020 and are set to expand in coming years at a much faster pace...

Clean Energy Demand For Critical Minerals Set to Soar as the World Pursues Net Zero Goals

Supplies of critical minerals essential for key clean energy technologies like electric vehicles and wind turbines need to pick up sharply over the coming decades to meet the world’s climate goals, creating...

Five Milestones in Green Energy

Energy accounts for two-thirds of total greenhouse gas, so embracing cleaner sources is key to fighting climate change.And while the energy transition still has a way to go, renewable energy is nonetheless on...

Eastern and Southern Africa’s Vast Renewables Potential Offers Route to Sustainable Growth

Eastern and Southern Africa are vast, geographically diverse regions with rapidly growing populations and rising demands for energy. According to master plans for the two regional power pools, electricity demand is set...

BMW electric vehicle drivers in California get green energy option via smart charging

There are many reasons to switch to electric cars instead of fossil fuel cars — better performance, quieter driving, lower operating and maintenance costs, and, of course, cleaner driving with zero tailpipe...

IRENA and Ocean Energy Europe Partner to Drive Ocean Energy Industry

The CEO of Ocean Energy Europe (OEE), Rémi Gruet and the Director-General of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), Francesco La Camera, signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) today at the annual...

IRENA and Pacific Community Announce Joint Efforts to Boost Recovery

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) and the Pacific Community (SPC) will work together to support Pacific island countries transition their energy systems to renewable energy sources as part of a drive...

What Is Servitisation, and How Can It Help Save the Planet?

The rising global population and continuous economic growth are driving an increasing demand for energy. Global energy consumption is expected to nearly double by the year 2050, further enhancing the challenge to...

Countries Raise the Sails on Offshore Renewables Sector

Offshore renewables, including offshore wind, wave, tidal, ocean thermal, and floating solar PV, will witness substantial growth in capacity over the next decade and play an essential role in the global energy...

Renewable Energy Jobs Continue Growth to 11.5 Million Worldwide

Renewable energy continues to bring socio-economic benefits by creating numerous jobs worldwide, according to the latest figures released by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) today. The seventh edition of Renewable Energy...

30 Innovative Solutions Show Path to Renewable-Powered Future

Recently, IRENA has published the full series of 30 Innovation Briefs under its Innovation Landscape report. It is the most comprehensive analysis available on innovation priorities that policymakers must address to successfully...

Renewables Increasingly Beat Even Cheapest Coal Competitors on Cost

Renewable power is increasingly cheaper than any new electricity capacity based on fossil fuels, a new report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) published yesterday finds. Renewable Power Generation Costs in...

COVID-19 Intensifies the Urgency to Expand Sustainable Energy Solutions Worldwide

Despite accelerated progress over the past decade, the world will fall short of ensuring universal access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy by 2030 unless efforts are scaled up significantly, reveals...



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