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Plastic Alternatives May Worsen Marine Pollution, MPs Warn

Compostable and biodegradable plastics could add to marine pollution because there is no infrastructure in place to make sure they break down correctly, a committee of MPs has warned.The use of alternatives...

Japan Will Have to Dump Radioactive Water into Pacific, Minister Says

The operator of the ruined Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant will have to dump huge quantities of contaminated water from the site directly into the Pacific Ocean, Japan’s environment minister has said...

Every Man Who Loves Nature Is My Brother

He said that Indians are the only people who live in harmony with nature, that we are in desperate need of every grain from the field that we do not leave a...

A Small Island With Big Plans: The Kingdom of Bahrain Commits to Environmental Sustainability

In June 2019, the Kingdom of Bahrain revealed its plans to ban plastic bags. The move took many by surprise. Ahmed Rajab, a photographer in Bahrain for the Gulf Daily News, is...

Extreme Water Stress Affects a Quarter of the World’s Population, Say Experts

A quarter of the world’s population across 17 countries are living in regions of extremely high water stress, a measure of the level of competition over water resources, a new report reveals.Experts...

World Hunger Is Still Not Going Down and Obesity Is Still Growing

An estimated 820 million people did not have enough to eat in 2018, up from 811 million in the previous year, which is the third year of increase in a row. This...

Festival Fans ‘Have Carbon Footprint 850% Higher than if They Stayed at Home’

Feel like going to a festival this summer? Think twice, because you could increase your carbon footprint more than eight-fold.That’s the verdict from Cardiff University and Siemens, which have studied a number...

Vanuatu to Ban Disposable Nappies in Plastics Crackdown: ‘We Had No Choice’

It is but a tiny speck in the Pacific Ocean, but the island state of Vanuatu is leading the global fight against plastic waste. The nation, which has already introduced one of...

McDonald’s Puts the Freeze on McFlurry Plastic Packaging

McDonald’s has announced it is to stop using single-use plastic to package its McFlurry ice creams and salad options.Once the environmentally-friendly change comes into effect in September, the brand expects it will...

Canada Plans to Ban Wide Range of Plastics by 2021

Canada plans to ban a wide range of single-use plastics by 2021.The government has not yet ruled on which exact products will disappear from shelves but notes it will work to identify...

Climate Crisis and Antibiotic Use Could ‘Sink’ Fish Farming Industry – Report

The climate crisis, drug use and feeding farmed fish with wild stocks risks “sinking” the $230bn (£180bn) aquaculture industry, according to an ethical investment network.Fish farms now surpass wild fisheries as the...

We Have Broader National Awareness of the Need for Personal Engagement

It is a well-known fact that in 2017, the United States of America withdrew from the Paris Agreement. By signing it, states have committed themselves to the fight against climate change but...

One Million Plant and Animal Species ‘Now at Threat of Extinction’

One million plant and animal species are now at threat of extinction.That’s the troubling conclusion reached in a new report from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), which...

EPA Releases Report Advising Communities to Prepare for Climate Change-Related Disasters

Policymakers at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published a report in the Federal Register outlining how local communities should start planning for near-future catastrophes associated with climate change.As first reported by...

Farmers Interested in Biogas Plants

Unlike fossil fuels, biogas is a permanently renewable fuel, since it is produced from biomass. The use of biogas helps to improve the country’s energy balance and contributes to the conservation of...

Supermarkets in Thailand and Vietnam Swap Plastic Packaging for Banana Leaves

Thailand and Vietnam are two of the five countries that account for 60 percent of the plastic in the world's oceans, according to a 2015 study. Now, Vice reported Friday that supermarkets...



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