Search results for:agricultural

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High Risk of Food Shortages without Pesticides, Says Chemical Giant

The world is likely to face food shortages within 20 years if pesticides and genetically modified crops are shunned, according to the head of the world’s biggest pesticide manufacturer. J Erik Fyrwald, CEO...

Avoiding Meat and Dairy Is ‘Single Biggest Way’ to Reduce Your Impact on Earth

Avoiding meat and dairy products is the single biggest way to reduce your environmental impact on the planet, according to the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage...

Meat and Fish Multinationals ‘Jeopardising Paris Climate Goals’

Meat and fish companies may be “putting the implementation of the Paris agreement in jeopardy” by failing to properly report their climate emissions, according to a groundbreaking index launched today.Three out of...

Vladan Vasic, the Mayor of Pirot: The Citizens of Pirot are Proud of their City

Vladan Vasic was elected three times as the President of the Municipality of Pirot, and after the elections in 2016, he became the first Mayor since Pirot was granted the city status,...

Hitting Toughest Climate Target Will Save World $30tn in Damages, Analysis Shows

Achieving the toughest climate change target set in the global Paris agreement will save the world about $30tn in damages, far more than the costs of cutting carbon emissions, according to a...

The Treasures of Amino Acids discovered in Wild apple’s Elixir

The evidence of medicinal properties of the forgotten tree species which is almost completely extinct in Europe was attributed, as it often happens, to a mere coincidence. When Zivota Nikolic in 2012...

490,000 Pounds of Toxic Pesticides Sprayed on National Wildlife

America's national wildlife refuges are being doused with hundreds of thousands of pounds of dangerous agricultural pesticides every year, according to a first-of-its-kind analysis by the Center for Biological Diversity.The Center for...

If Anything, Sludge Is a Resource

On our path to the European Union, we are bound to adopt a number of laws, among which are regulations related to the treatment of all wastewater and wastewater sludge. Despite the...

What Is the True Cost of Eating Meat

Food and farming is one of the biggest economic sectors in the world. We are no longer in the 14th century, when as much as 76% of the population worked in agriculture...

Arne Sannes Bjørnstad, The Ambassador of Norway: It is Important to Maintain the Resources We Have

It is known that the Kingdom of Norway belongs to the group of biggest polluters per capita, which is an inglorious record, that is credited to another title – this Scandinavian country is...

Over 95% Of World’s Population Live In Areas With Dangerous Air Pollution

More than 95% of the world’s population in 2016 (+7 billion) lived in areas with dangerously high levels of air pollution — that is, in areas where WHO organization guidelines for air...

A Moss Can Naturally Clean Harmful Arsenic From Water

If you happen to be thirsty in the woods, there are a lot of things you can stick in your canteen to help clean up your drinking water. There are chlorine pills...

Pakistan Can Spur Social & Economic Development With Renewable Energy, Claims IRENA

The International Renewable Energy Agency has published a new analysis of Pakistan’s energy sector which shows that the country can spur both social and economic development and improve its energy security by...

New Satellite Could Help Rat Out Methane Polluters

As greenhouse gases go, methane is a heavy hitter – one with a heat-trapping ability 25 times that of carbon dioxide (CO2) over the course of a century. As the second-most abundant...

Columbia’s Highest Court Orders Government To Protect Amazon Rainforest From Rising Deforestation Rates

In a potentially very important legal decision, the top court in Columbia has ruled that the government there is required to take effective action to protect the Amazon rainforest from further deforestation. With...

Crop Fires Can Push Delhi Air Pollution 20 Times Beyond Safe Levels, Study Finds

As of 2016, New Delhi was the 11th most polluted city in the world, which was a positive development compared to 2014, when it had the dubious honor of being number one,...



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