Search results for:Green Agenda

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Orlando Becomes 40th City to Commit to 100% Renewable Energy

The Orlando City Commission unanimously approved a resolution Tuesday establishing a goal to move Orlando to 100 percent clean and renewable energy by 2050. Orlando is now the largest city in Florida...

University of Northampton Opens £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre

The University of Northampton has officially opened a £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre that will help deliver heat and hot water via a district heating network at its Waterside campus. The project saw the...

Shell Investors Dismiss Climate Resolution to Set Carbon Reduction Targets

Shareholders in Shell rejected proposals for the oil giant to set public emission reduction targets at its Annual General Meeting (AGM) in the Netherlands yesterday. The proposals were rejected by 94 per cent...

Scottish Tories Look to Quash Hopes of Onshore Wind Revival

Hopes that a Conservative government could open the door for new onshore wind projects outside of England were dealt a blow late last week, after the Scottish Conservatives' manifesto underlined the party's...

Mayors Take Bold Step Toward 100% Clean Energy

Mayors from across the nation joined with the Sierra Club's Ready for 100 campaign Wednesday to announce a new effort to engage and recruit mayors to endorse a goal of transitioning to...

Survey: Renewable Energy Ranks as One of the Most Disruptive Forces in Global Energy

Renewable energy and energy efficiency programmes are top priorities for energy executives around the world, as the world presses ahead with efforts to decarbonise energy systems, according to the latest World Energy...

Trump has Launched a Blitzkrieg in the Wars on Science and Earth’s Climate

 Yesterday, Donald Trump signed an executive order taking aim at America’s climate policies. On the heels of a report finding that the world needs to halve its carbon pollution every decade to...

EPA Chief Denies CO2 as Primary Driver of Climate Change

 Scott Pruitt, the new head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), does not think that carbon dioxide is a "primary contributor" to climate change—even though the actual science says it is. "I...

Argentina in the G20 Troika: the Boost to Sustainable Financing

The Ministry of Treasury recently hosted the UN Environment Mission as part of the country’s commitment to boosting sustainable financing. In its first steps as part of the G20 troika,  a set of...

Cities in Transition

The EUROCITIES Knowledge Society Forum (KSF) and the Green Digital Charter (GDC) jointly hosted the conference ‘Cities in transition – the role of digital in shaping our future cities’ on 25 January...

China: ‘All Parties Must Stick to Paris Agreement’

Chinese premier Xi Jinping has urged world leaders not to abandon the historic Paris climate change agreement in a high profile speech today to the World Economic Forum in Davos. In an address...

Four US Cities Urge Carmakers to Boost Electric Vehicle Production

City mayors from San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, and Seattle have released a joint request for US carmakers to step up EV production in order to meet growing demand for electric vehicles...

Shell Prepares to Set Sail with Offshore Wind Investment as Consortium Secures Dutch Contract

The Netherlands' position as an emerging hub for low cost offshore wind farms received a further boost this week, as a consortium secured the rights to develop a new 700MW project with...

Patricia Espinosa Outlines 5 Key Areas of Action

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off on Monday, just three days after the Paris Climate Change Agreement entered into force.In her opening address Patricia Espinosa, Executive Secretary United Nations...

Day 1 of Climate Talks: We Must ‘Change the Course of Two Centuries of Carbon-Intense Development’

The UN Climate Change Conference in Marrakech kicked off yesterday, just three days after the Paris climate change agreement entered into force. At the opening, Morocco's Foreign Minister and newly-elected COP22 President Salaheddine...

To Avoid the Worst Climate Impacts, Obama Tells Leo DiCaprio, ‘We’re Really in a Race Against Time’

Capping a day-long futurist fair and alternative music fest on the South Lawn of the White House on Monday, President Obama told actor Leonardo DiCaprio and atmospheric scientist Katharine Hayhoe “we’re really...



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