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Heathrow third runway ‘to breach climate change laws’

Plans to expand Heathrow Airport are set to breach the government’s climate change laws, advisers have warned. The Committee on Climate Change says the business plan for Heathrow projects a 15% increase...

China’s Crazy Smog-Sucking Vacuum Tower is Actually Working

Studio Roosegaarde‘s smog-sucking vacuum tower is actually cleaning up the air in China. The Smog Free Tower has been installed in Beijing, a city notorious for its air pollution, and the country’s...

UN development chief meets communities grappling with scarce and vulnerable water resources in Burkina Faso

Wrapping up a three-day visit to the country, UNDP Administrator Helen Clark met today with a rural community in Burkina Faso which is bearing the brunt of the effects of environmental degradation...

UK Has Second-Highest Number of Deaths From NO2 Pollution in Europe

The UK is second only to Italy in Europe for the highest number of annual deaths from a major air pollutant, a report has found just days after a court gave UK...

Number 5 – November 2016

This issue of bulletin is dedicated to recycling, waste management, waste water management and water management in Serbia. We wanted to inform you about new legislative and laws. There are numerous interviews...

Calls for greater collaboration to enhance resource efficiency and economic growth

Scientists, industry-leaders and policy-makers gathered in Paris on saturday to discuss the economic potential of resource efficiency, as well as its role in limiting global warming and putting the world on a...

Oil and Gas Companies in North America Less Green Than Those in EU

Oil and gas companies in North America are lagging behind their European counterparts in cleaning up their operations, new research has found, with higher greenhouse gas emissions and less investment in clean...

OPEC Secretary General visits IR Iran

OPEC Secretary General, HE Mohammad Sanusi Barkindo, met with IR Iran’s Minister of Petroleum, HE Bijan Namdar Zanganeh, during a closed-door session on November 19 in the capital city of Tehran. According to...

Investment in Renewables

On Nov. 4, Walmart announced an aggressive plan to increase its investments in renewable energy, pledging to power half its operations from wind, solar, and other renewables by 2025 and to cut...

‘Extraordinarily Hot’ Arctic Temperatures Alarm Scientists

The Arctic is experiencing extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next year, according...

RE100 Urges EU Energy Policy Revamp to Boost Renewables

The EU's energy policy needs to deliver a series of "transformational changes" if the bloc is to help businesses meet their clean electricity goals. That is the conclusion of a new report from...

Giant 8MW Turbine Delivers First Power From Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm

A giant 8MW offshore wind turbine in Liverpool Bay has delivered power to the grid for the first time, chalking up another important milestone for the UK's offshore wind industry. DONG Energy announced...

China’s Grid-Connected Wind Power Capacity Increases

China's grid-connected wind power capacity continued to pick up, but the utilization rate was waning after years of capacity expansion, the latest data from the National Energy Administration (NEA) showed. China's total installed...

France Announces Coal Power Phase Out Date

France this week became the latest country to vow to phase out unabated coal power from its energy mix, pledging that its last coal plant will shut by 2023 at the latest. French...

Australia Ranked Among Worst Developed Countries for Climate Change Action

Australia has been singled out again as a climate laggard, being ranked fifth-worst for emissions and policies among developed countries and among the six worst countries in the G20 when it comes...

EIB confirms plans to strengthen support for North African renewable energy and energy efficiency

The European Investment Bank today confirmed plans to strengthen support for the Green for Growth Fund to enable new investment in small scale energy efficiency and renewable energy projects across North Africa,...



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