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THE GULF OF MEXICO: Ocean ‘Dead Zones’ Larger than the United Kingdom

The meat industry is being blamed for the worst ever dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. Why do these oxygen-poor stretches of ocean, which can't support most marine life, continue to...

JPMorgan Chase Commits To 100% Renewable Energy By 2020 & Facilitating $200 Billion In Clean Energy Financing By 2025

Multinational banking giant JPMorgan Chase has announced it is committing to sourcing 100% of its energy needs from renewable energy by 2020 and a promise to facilitate $200 billion in clean financing...

Australia Plans to Set the Record for Electric Vehicle Highways

Electrical vehicles (EVs) are the next evolution in personal transportation. A large-scale shift toward the technology has the potential to significantly reduce the environmental impact of simply getting around, leaving our reliance...

IKEA Teams Up with Solarcentury for Solar Battery Storage Range

IKEA and Solarcentury have teamed up to launch a new range of Solar Battery Storage products in the retail giant's stores, claiming the offering will help cut homeowners' electricity bills by up...

University of Northampton Opens £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre

The University of Northampton has officially opened a £6.5m Biomass Energy Centre that will help deliver heat and hot water via a district heating network at its Waterside campus. The project saw the...

Ozone Pollution Tied To Cardiovascular Disease

Ozone air pollution has now been directly tied to the risk of developing cardiovascular disease, which expands the list of health effects known to be caused by ozone exposure, and also lowers...

Rubbish Acting? Coca-Cola Airs TV Advert Animated Entirely from Recycled Bottles

Coca-Cola has aired its first ever TV advert animated entirely from 100 per cent recycled packaging with the aim of encouraging more consumers to recycle used plastic bottles. The soft drinks giant's 'Love...

Mumbai Temple to Reduce Annual Power Bills by Rs8 Lakh Using Solar Energy

A 190-year-old Jain temple at Byculla is the latest addition to the growing list of religious and educational institutions and housing societies, who are harnessing solar energy for an eco-friendly future. Sheth Motisha...

Renewable Energy Booming After a Decade of Progress

The sun is rising on a newer, cleaner era of American energy use. The U.S. generates nearly eight times as much electricity from the sun and the wind than it did in 2007—enough...

German Court Orders Diesel Ban in Bid Tackle Air Pollution

A judge in the German city of Stuttgart has ordered the most polluting diesel cars be banned from entering the city from January 2018 in a bid to curb illegal levels of...

Fungi That Evolved to Eat Wood Offer New Biomass Conversion Tool

Twenty years ago, microbiologist Barry Goodell, now a professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and colleagues discovered a unique system that some microorganisms use to digest and recycle wood. Three orders...

Libraries Using Solar Panels to Reduce their Carbon Footprints

The McMillan Memorial Library has a 20,000-square-foot roof. In coming weeks, that space will be filled with 480 solar panels. Library director Andy Barnett said workers from Spring Grove, Minnesota-based Viking Electric...

Vast Amounts Of Toxic Mercury Accumulating In Arctic, Global Industrial Emissions To Blame

Enormous quantities of toxic mercury are now accumulating in the Arctic tundra as a result of industrial activity and emissions in the temperate parts of the globe, according to a new study...

North Carolina has Become a Top Solar Energy State Over Past Decade, Report Shows

North Carolina has seen the third-greatest increase in the nation in solar energy production since 2007, according to a recent report by a local environmental watchdog group. The Environment North Carolina Research and...

Melting Greenland Could Raise Sea Levels by 20 Feet

Two miles thick and covering an area seven times the size of the United Kingdom, Greenland's ice sheet is huge. It's also melting. As the ice melts, it gives way to water, which...

Santa Barbara Becomes First California City to Pass Resolution Against Offshore Oil and Gas Drilling

The Santa Barbara City Council approved a resolution Tuesday opposing new drilling off the California coast and fracking in existing offshore oil and gas wells. The resolution is the first in a...



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