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Gas: Use EU Storage Capacity Efficiently and Forge Trade Partnerships, Urge MEPs

The EU strategy for liquefied natural gas (LNG) must make energy supplies more secure, cut carbon emissions and deliver affordable prices say MEPs in a resolution voted on Tuesday. Parliament calls on...

UN Environment Finance Initiative’s Global Roundtable Kicks off in Dubai

H.E. Dr. Thani Ahmed Al Zeyoudi, Minister of Climate Change and Environment, inaugurated the UN Environment Program Finance Initiative’s 14th Global Roundtable event, hosted by the United Arab Emirates, represented by the...

Dong Energy Considers Sale of Oil and Gas Assets to Focus on Windfarms

The biggest windfarm operator in the UK is considering selling its oil and gas business, four decades after it was set up to manage Denmark’s North Sea oilfields. Dong Energy, which is majority...

Mexico’s Energy Reform Is Set to Revitalise an Ailing Sector and Boost the Economy, IEA Report Says

Mexico’s wide-ranging energy reform, which began in 2013, is expected to reverse the country’s declining oil production, increase the share of renewables in the power sector, and slow the growth in carbon...

World Bank Approves $1.8 Million Grant to Boost Chilean Geothermal Market

The World Bank Board has approved a US$1.8 million Clean Technology Fund grant to strengthen the Chilean Ministry of Energy’s capacity to further develop the country’s geothermal sector and improve its energy...

Victorian Government to Boost Solar Energy Tariffs from July 2017

Victorians with solar panels will be compensated for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in a planned reward scheme set to increase power costs for other households. Tens of thousands of rooftop solar homes on...

Nepal, Bangladesh Agree to Build More Than 1,600 MW of Pumped-Storage Hydropower

The governments of Nepal and Bangladesh have signed an agreement to build two pumped-storage hydropower plants with a total capacity of more than 1,600 MW in Nepal, according to the Kathmandu Post. The...

More Northeast Natural Gas Pipeline Capacity Brings Questions

Led by the surge in Appalachia’s Marcellus and Utica plays, U.S. natural gas production has increased over 50% since 2005 and related infrastructure to move the gas has become short. This is...

This Massive Farm Grows 15% of Australia’s Tomatoes without Soil, Fresh Water or Fossil Fuels

Did you know there is a way to grow tons of fresh fruits and vegetables with saltwater and solar energy? The good people at SunDrop Farms are doing just that with their...

Landin, Schienebeck: Biomass Energy is Part of a Clean Energy Solution

Congress is about to make a decision that could have profound effects on the forests of Wisconsin and the future of American energy. They are considering if the United States should treat...

Energy Department Invests $21 Million in 17 Projects to Speed Solar Adoption

The US Energy Department announced last week that $21.4 million in funding for 17 new projects to help reduce the "soft costs" commonly found with solar energy, such as installation, permitting, and...

U.S. Energy Shakeup Continues as Solar Capacity Triples

Solar power capacity in the U.S. will have nearly tripled in size in less than three years by 2017 amid an energy shakeup that has seen natural gas solidify its position as...

COP22: from Paris to Marrakesh

After close to 200 countries signed up to a historic Climate Agreement in Paris at the end of 2015, the focus this year is firmly on the follow-up meeting in Marrakesh, Morocco...

Oslo Introduces First-of-its-Kind “Climate Budget” to Cut Emissions in Half by 2020

When Oslo’s city government launches its budget in 2017, the city will no longer simply count money, but it will also track carbon emissions. For a long time, Oslo has had ambitious...

Wind Power Could Supply 20% of Global Electricity by 2030

Although solar power gets more press, the wind power industry is growing nearly as fast. The (GWEC) released an historic report Tuesday in Beijing, saying 20 percent of the world’s total electricity...

The World’s First Wind-Hydro Turbines Will Generate Energy Even When There’s no Breeze

One of the biggest challenges wind farms face is how to generate power when there’s no wind. Max Bögl Wind AG and GE Renewable Energy are attempting to solve that issue by...



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