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The Key to Sustainable Development Is Political Will

The eyes of the entire world are on France when it comes to combating climate change, not only because of the 2015 Paris Agreement, which pledged this country to reduce greenhouse gas...

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Linked to Tourism-Related Transport Are Rising

The number of tourists travelling across borders is expected to reach 1.8 billion a year by 2030, according to the latest UNWTO predictions. This will be alongside a further 15.6 billion domestic...

Climate Procrastination

Although it was evident at the beginning of the second half of the last century that significant changes in the climate system could be expected and that these changes would have an...

Ministerial Council Sets Vision for Post-2020 Climate and Energy Policy in the Energy Community

Convening under the Moldovan Presidency in Chisinau, the 17th Energy Community Ministerial Council focused on Energy Community Treaty reforms and the 2030 energy and climate framework. Opening the meeting, H.E. Mr. Anatol...

Greta Thunberg Says School Strikes Have Achieved Nothing

The global wave of school strikes for the climate over the past year has “achieved nothing” because greenhouse gas emissions have continued to rise, Greta Thunberg has told activists at UN climate...

Kaiserwetter to Help Accelerating the Transition to Clean Energy and Mitigating Climate Change

ARISTOTELES Sky—The Energy Cloud for Nations will be unveiled at the Sustainable Innovation Forum 2019 held during the COP25 in Madrid NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#AI--With global greenhouse emissions projected to reach another record high this year, I...

Renewable Energy Ambition in NDCs Must Double by 2030

Countries are being urged to significantly raise renewable energy ambition and adopt targets to transform the global energy system in the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), according to a new...

Sustainable Transport Key to Tackling the Climate Crisis

The critical role of the transport sector in achieving the goal of the Paris Climate Change Agreement to keep global temperature rise to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels was...

Global Use of Coal-Fired Electricity Set for Biggest Fall This Year

The world’s use of coal-fired electricity is on track for its biggest annual fall on record this year after more than four decades of near-uninterrupted growth that has stoked the global climate...

World Energy Outlook 2019 Highlights Deep Disparities in the Global Energy System

Deep disparities define today’s energy world. The dissonance between well-supplied oil markets and growing geopolitical tensions and uncertainties. The gap between the ever-higher amounts of greenhouse gas emissions being produced and the...

Sea Levels Set to Keep Rising for Centuries Even If Emissions Targets Met

Sea level rise is set to challenge human civilization for centuries to come, even if internationally agreed climate goals are met and planet-warming emissions are then immediately eliminated, researchers have found.The lag...

Campaigners Try Again to Stop Norway Drilling for Oil in Arctic

Climate campaigners are taking Norway’s government back to court to oppose its plans to open the Arctic for oil drilling despite a public commitment to tackle the environmental crisis.Greenpeace Nordic and Norway’s...

New Standards for Air Conditioners and Refrigerators Set to Tackle Climate Change

Growing demand for air conditioning units and refrigerators is threatening to accelerate global warming, but new guidelines could help reduce emissions by setting clear performance standards for new appliances.The new model guidelines...

Carmakers Among Key Opponents of Climate Action

Global carmakers are among the leading opponents of action on the climate crisis, according to exclusive analysis of the way major corporations frustrate or undermine initiatives to cut greenhouse gases.The research for...

Greta Thunberg Condemns World Leaders in Emotional Speech at UN

Greta Thunberg has excoriated world leaders for their “betrayal” of young people through their inertia over the climate crisis at a United Nations summit that failed to deliver ambitious new commitments to...

After Stalling Last Year, Renewable Power Capacity Additions to Hit Double-Digit Growth in 2019

After stalling last year, global capacity additions of renewable power are set to bounce back with double-digit growth in 2019, driven by solar PV’s strong performance, according to the International Energy Agency.The...



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