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Got Denmark envy? Wait until you hear about its energy policies

Back in the early 1970s, Denmark got almost all its energy from imported oil. Then came the oil crisis, which, naturally, had a big impact. Political discussions throughout the '80s resulted in...

Entrepreneurs Key to Circular Economy Success

Every year, the World Economic Forum (WEF) brings together the world’s business, economic and political leaders in Davos to discuss the challenges and future of the world economy. The theme for this...

Serbia, Bosnia mining: Mineco base metals mining and trading in SEE and Russia

The Balkans has a rich history of mining; mines opened by Romans in the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD still operate in Artana and the Saxons mined extensively across the region (locally,...


StrategiesThe National Renewable Energy Action Plan of The Republic of Serbia (NAPOIE) (28.06.2013) is a document that encourages investments in renewable energy sources (RES), and in which the goals for the use...


Biomass – the most widespread and inefficiently used source of energyLimited resources of fossil fuels and the greenhouse effect that man has created, bring us back to sustainable fuels. Biomass is a...

Energy Efficiency

Energy EfficiencyHow to use the necessary energy in the most efficient wayEvery day, people use energy for transportation, cooking, heating, cooling, manufacturing, and lighting, as well as for entertainment and many other...



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