Search results for:forest

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Climate crisis fires burning from the Amazon and Turkey to California

From Turkey to Brazil, and Russia to the US, we’re seeing fires consuming our forests, killing wildlife and threatening our woodlands’ ability to trap and store carbon, a defense against the climate...

Protecting the Paradise of Praslin Island, Seychelles

For many locals and tourists, Praslin Island in Seychelles is synonymous with paradise. From the white sands of Anse Lazio, frequently voted as one of the top beaches in the world, to...

Western Indian Ocean region has Declared 550,000 Square Kilometers as Protected, a 63 percent Jump Since 2015

The Western Indian Ocean region has declared 143* marine and coastal areas as protected – an area covering 553,163 square kilometers, representing 7 percent of the total Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) for...

How Technology Can Bridge the Gap Between Climate Talk and Action

As society pressures leaders for a more environmentally-friendly agenda, governments responsible for 63 percent of world emissions have committed to net zero with corporate net-zero commitments covering 12 percent of the global...

Role of Amazon as Carbon Sink Declines: Nature study

Amazonia hosts the Earth’s largest tropical forests and has been shown to be an important carbon sink. This carbon sink seems to be in decline, however, as a result of factors such...

ENV.NET – Circular Economy and Climate Change 

The third cycle of the project “ factoring the environmental portfolio for the Western Balkans and Turkey in the EU Policy Agenda” (ref. No. 2017 / 394-372) - ENV.net3 was realized in...

Growing Underwater Noise in the Arctic Puts Whales and Other Animals at Risk

Until recently, the Arctic Ocean's ice cover made it a natural “acoustic refuge” for marine animals for much of the year. Many marine animals, including narwhals, belugas, and bowhead whales, rely on clicks,...

Securing Food, Protecting Biodiversity

The Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), QU Dongyu, today told a gathering of experts, diplomats and senior officials that the agricultural world and the environmental...

Indigenous Communities in Danger of Being Erased from the Map in Brazil

“We were already on this land before Brazil was Brazil”, said Eliseu Lopes, Indigenous leader. After living on and fighting for their lands for centuries, the rights of Indigenous Peoples in Brazil are...

The Missing Piece of the Puzzle: Shar Mountain National Park Approved

The creation of Shar Mountain National Park in North Macedonia means the final puzzle piece for one of the largest transboundary protected areas in Europe is now in place. With the approval...

What is “Nature Positive” and Why is it the Key to our Future?

G7 leaders recently announced that “our world must not only become net zero, but also nature positive, for the benefit of both people and the planet.” This represents a real paradigm shift in...

Pollution From Farming and Harbours Imperils Coastal Habitats: New Report

The plants and animals that live along the world’s coasts are coming under increased pressure from pollution tied to harbours, agriculture, and fish and shrimp farming, warns a new report from the...

Warming stripes show that climate change is here and now

Broadcast meteorologists and climate scientists are uniting on June 21 – the Summer/Winter Solstice – for Show Your Stripes day to raise awareness of the urgent need to act on climate change. UN Climate Change,...

The Right Measures Always Lead to a Solution

For many years, Užice was on the list of cities with the highest air pollution. During the heating season, it often happened that the amount of soot in the air exceeded the...

Back to Nature in the Big City

“Nature-based solutions” is a term for all solutions that use the natural world to mitigate the effects of climate change. It sounds rural, but the phrase covers multiple possibilities, from tree planting...

What does net-zero emissions by 2050 mean for bioenergy and land use?

Modern and sustainable forms of bioenergy play an important role in our new special report on how the global energy sector can reach net-zero emissions by 2050, which also examines bioenergy’s advantages and limitations...



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