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5 Cities Leading the Charge on Climate Action

The sheer number of people who live in cities now and who are expected to move into them in the coming years is startling. Around two-thirds of the world's population is predicted...

‘Airpocalypse’ Smog Events in China Linked to Melting Ice Cap, Research Reveals

Climate change played a major role in the extreme air pollution events suffered recently by China and is likely to make such "airpocalypses" more common, new research has revealed. The fast-melting ice in...

‘Paris Agreement Not Enough’ to Prevent Catastrophic Coral Bleaching, Marine Biologists Warn

Current targets for reducing damaging greenhouse gas emissions are not enough to prevent catastrophic loss of the world’s coral reefs, marine biologists have warned. Rising sea surface temperatures are having a devastating effect...

Antarctic Sea Ice Shrinks to Smallest Ever Extent

Data contradicts climate change sceptics, who have pointed to earlier increases in areas of sea ice to support their views. Sea ice around Antarctica has shrunk to the smallest annual extent on record...

Thanks to Climate Change, The World’s Storms Are Getting more Dangerouse

Removing the climate change page from the White House site won't do anything to slow the damage to our planet, just as refusing to "believe" in science won't help your home stay...

EU Hails Clean Energy ‘Year of Delivery’

The European Union is on track to meet its renewable energy, energy efficiency, and greenhouse gas emission targets for 2020 following a 'year of delivery' across the renewables sector, according to a...

WMO Confirms 2016 as Hottest Year on Record, about 1.1°C above Pre-Industrial Era

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) yesterday announced that the year 2016 has been the hottest year on record, surpassing the exceptionally high temperatures of 2015, according to a consolidated analysis. The globally averaged...

Sydney Air Pollution Alert Issued as Temperature Heads to 38C

An air pollution alert has been issued for Sydney residents due to a high level of ozone, already exceeding government standards for the entire year. The NSW Office of Environment and Heritage put...

Major Flooding in the UK now Likely Every Year, Warns Lead Climate Adviser

Major flooding in the UK is now likely to happen every year but ministers still have no coherent long-term plan to deal with it, the government’s leading adviser on the impacts of...

ABB Building Automation Applied in the World’s First Energy Self-Sufficient Multi-Family Dwelling

No connection to the grid. No gas supply line. Not even a wood burning stove for those cold winter nights. In a building with no less than nine apartments. The Umwelt Arena in...

Grundfos: to Be the Best with the Best

Currently in the world, about 13% of primary energy consumption comes from renewable sources although the technological capacities are significantly higher. Contrary to renewable sources are non-renewable energy sources. They could be...

‘Extraordinarily Hot’ Arctic Temperatures Alarm Scientists

The Arctic is experiencing extraordinarily hot sea surface and air temperatures, which are stopping ice forming and could lead to record lows of sea ice at the north pole next year, according...

Global ‘Greening’ Has Slowed Rise of CO2 in the Atmosphere, Study Finds

A global “greening” of the planet has significantly slowed the rise of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere since the start of the century, according to new research. More plants have been growing due...

Spain Will Be Run On 100 Per Cent Renewables, Energy Boss Vows

The director of one of Spain's top power companies has predicted the country will eventually become 100 per cent relaint on renewable energy. Acciona boss Miguel Ezpeleta said there is currently enough wind...

Methane Progress Should Guide Regulatory Approach

API Upstream Group Director Erik Milito discussed ongoing industry efforts to reduce methane emissions and the risk to emissions reductions progress posed by adding new layers of regulation during testimony this week...

100 Countries Push to Phase out Potentially Disastrous Greenhouse Gas

A loose coalition of more than 100 countries, including the US and European nations, is pushing for an early phase-out of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), a powerful greenhouse gas that if left unchecked is...



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