Search results for:electrical energy

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The leaders in the development and production of trucks and buses with alternative propulsion systems

Natural gas, biogas, and electricity accumulated in batteries are just some of the energy sources that the world-famous manufacturer of commercial vehicles uses to replace fossil fuels with increasing success, thus achieving...

Ingeteam Surpasses 40 GW of Installed Wind-Power Capacity

Ingeteam, an independent supplier of electrical conversion equipment, has announced that it surpassed the milestone of 40 GW of installed wind-power capacity worldwide thanks to record sales of its converter product lines....

Flexible Rollup Solar Panels Bring Electricity To Remote British Island

Flat Holm island is an uninhabited rocky outcropping in the Bristol Channel that separates England from Wales. It is much admired for its rugged beauty and abundant avian population but like many...

EPA Estimates Rolling Back Clean Power Plan Could Cause 100,000 Deaths By 2050

In its mania to prove how horrible the Clean Power Plan is, the EPA has rejiggered the numbers and found — the Clean Power Plan could save more lives than the Obama...

ROAD ARROW: Team of Students – Formula Lovers

Road Arrow is the first Serbian Formula Student team whose members are the students from the University of Belgrade. For seven years now, this group of enthusiasts and formula lovers have created...

IDVORSKY ELECTRIC TRACTOR: Our Idea for a Sustainable Future

The road that Dalibor Marković, Nikola Popov and Ivan Jovanov have passed since the first mentioning of an electric tractor till today is pervaded through struggle, learning, research, satisfaction, enthusiasm and disappointments,...

Local Politicians Throwing India Solar Power Plans Into Chaos

Never underestimate the power of small-minded people to totally disrupt a carefully thought out plan. India is taking bold steps to transition to a low-emissions economy by promoting solar and wind power....

Milan Belin: The Advantage of Renault Electric Cars is Its Multiple Purpose

The company Renault is the first car company to devote itself to the development of cars with zero emission of CO2. At the beginning of the current decade, the first electric cars...

Reconditioning Wind Farms Can Extend Their Lives

Around 40% of Germany’s wind turbines will soon be 15-years old. The French, Italian, Spanish, and British fleets are also aging. More than 86 gigawatts of Europe’s wind capacity is scheduled to...

SAŠA CVETOJEVIĆ: Tesla is Much More than a Car, It’s a Technology on Wheels

With a successful Croatian entrepreneur, Saša Cvetojević we talked about Tesla, the most popular electric car in the world, his last year’s travel through Europe with Tesla, this year’s participation in the...

General Electric Installing First 1,500 Volt Solar Power Plant In Egypt

The first utility-scale solar power facility in Egypt will be provided by General Electric and feature the company’s 1,500 volt inverters. Thanks to a new government-sponsored feed-in tariff policy, Egypt is rapidly...

Co-ops In Florida Make Rooftop Solar Possible For More People

How does a co-op make rooftop solar systems more affordable? Ten people who band together to buy something usually get a better price than ten people acting individually. That’s the idea behind...

High-tech Electronics Made from Autumn Leaves

Northern China's roadsides are peppered with deciduous phoenix trees, producing an abundance of fallen leaves in autumn. These leaves are generally burned in the colder season, exacerbating the country's air pollution problem....

US Renewables Matching Nuclear For Now, Soon To Overtake

The US Energy Information Administration last week published its latest ‘Electric Power Monthly’ which reveals US renewable energy is locked in a virtual dead-heat with US nuclear energy, each providing roughly 20%...

Organizations Establish Seven-Step Plan for French Hydroelectric Power Growth

A trio of French energy associations have completed a study outlining seven steps for increasing hydroelectric power within the European country. The paper is titled "Hydropower at the Crossroads: Giving New Momentum to...

Tesla To Install World’s Largest Grid-Scale Battery In South Australia

Tesla has announced that it will install the world’s largest grid-scale battery — 100 MW/129 MWh — in South Australia. The installation will be located in Jamestown in the north of the...



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